Farmer Wade speaking at State MP Peter Walsh's Office at Echuca, Victoria. 20/08/2024

4 months ago

In keeping with our plan to take the Politicians on and hold them to account for the shocking terrible things many of them are doing, Farmer Wade does his live broadcast from the office of Leader of the Victorian National Party and State Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh MP.

Peter Walsh’s office is in Echuca, North Central Victoria Australia.

Farmer Wade speaks to the issues of farmers being wiped out by Politician’s and their policies also to the monkey pox and bird flu fraud that the terrorists in the World Health Organisation are organising for us. We talk about things where Peter Walsh has sold many of us out and the shocking results of that and we also cover the fact that Farmer Wade with Billboard Battalion is holding these politicians to account for what they have done and for what they are in the act of doing where the main stream media refuse to.

In-fact most of the main stream media and the so called journalists who work in it are in-fact aiding and bedding the international and domestic terrorist organisations to commit the horrendous crimes against the Australian people and the world population globally.

Billboard Battalion and Farmer Wade and doing the job that these supporters of violent murderous crime are suppose to but refuse to. To see more watch this video, share, like and get involved and support Billboard Battalion in this crucial life saving work.

Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Echuca, North Central Victoria

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