When Their Game Is Up...

1 month ago

Pushing aside the fact that the Democrats were engaged in cheating (again), even Hawaii turned blue (again) ...do you really think Hawaii would vote blue after Lahaina in Maui got hit by Directed Energy Weapons?

Jeez this guy really did tick all the woke boxes in this little speech didn't he. However, I do agree there are many disenfranchised and disappointed democrats who had their hopes of economic dreams crushed over the last two months, but really those muppets "should" have realised that the Whore of Babylon was ruining their dreams years ago when they bussed in millions of illegal migrants, or when their cackling hyena and sleepy joe gave billions of Dollars to the Nazis in Ukraine. I have no sympathy for stupidity. My pronouns are boo and hoo.

As for Satan's deceivers and the false prophets in Hollywood, it is YOU who ruined the hopes and dreams of the gullible fools who actually voted for the elitists! Save your tears.

A cheap holiday in other people's misery!

I don't wanna holiday in the sun
I wanna go to new Belsen
I wanna see some history
'Cause now I got a reasonable economy

Now I got a reason, now I got a reason
Now I got a reason and I'm still waiting
Now I got a reason
Now I got reason to be waiting
The Cuban Spa

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