Denzel Washington: Hollywood Elites Are Taking 'Adrenochrome Tours' of Ukraine

3 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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The Hollywood elite practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to veteran Denzel Washington, who has joined a growing list of celebrities to blow the whistle about the dark heart of the industry.

As Denzel Washington explains, the Hollywood pedophile elite are paying exorbitant prices for access to children kept in factory farm conditions in Ukraine.

The upcoming U.S. election has sent shockwaves through certain circles, with reports suggesting insiders—allegedly including Sean Penn—are orchestrating covert “adrenochrome tours” to cater to elites scrambling to secure their supply.

Some sources claim this rush is driven by fears that a Trump victory will end the Zelensky regime’s grip on power in Ukraine, destabilizing the adrenochrome supply for these elites.

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