The Big Merino, Gouburn NSW - 30/9/2024

3 months ago

Farmer Wade is standing in front of what could be the last sheep in Australia.

This is the Big Merino in Goulburn NSW Australia and if the Government gets its misinformation disinformation bill through the Australian Federal Parliament very soon, that will pave the way for the World Economic Forum, United Nations and the World Health Organisation to totally wipe out the entire Australian sheep industry.

And the kicker is that Australian farmers will not be able to say or do a damn thing about it.

In fact if they try to complain or protest they could wind up in goal.

One of the reasons that this could happen is because our farmers have sat on their lazy backsides and did nothing to stop this legalisation, in fact came up with every excuse in the world why they could not do anything or just couldn't be bothered to be good business people and take notice of the biggest threat to their farming business ever in history.

This would also include the entire beef industry, dairy, horticulture, cropping and in fact every kind of agriculture in Australia.

We are trying very hard at the minute to get all our so called farmer representative lobby groups to activate and mobilise to help us fight the biggest threat to Australian Agriculture in our entire history.

As a collective the agricultural industry has the power and the resources to kill this bill and this threat to Australian farming, it's just a matter to if they will actually get up and do it.

As Farmer Wade always says, climate change fraud is no threat to our farmers, the biggest threat to our farmers are politicians.

Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
The Big Merino
Goulburn, NSW
Monday 30th September, 2024

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