Haniya's NICU Journey From Day 1 Until Going Home

2 months ago

The Journey we had as parents with Our little Haniya in NICU is undescribable.. We may never be able to convey our feelings in words how it was for us.

Every day was a New day.. every day was a challenge to remain stable.. not to cry.. not to lose hope.. to remain happy in front of our baby.. to put a smile on our faces beneath all the aggression and pain we were going through. ..

Every week new doctors .. new teams.. our arguments with them .. with the medical team. Our stress our anxieties.. our pain .. our hope that One day She will come out of all these tubes and saturation probes.. oxygen support.. IV insertions..

We never lost hope.. we prayed .. we cried .. we shouted.. we screamed.. we made sure that we were with her all the time .. not letting her lose hope.. making her stronger day by day.. . We made her NICU Journey as good as possible for her to survive there for six months..

She was also diagnosed with COVID-19 when she was 3 months .. we were not allowed to see her for 21 days.. that period was an intense and endless pain for us.. how she was isolated and incubated in one glass box .. literally in tears when describing it right now.. cannot imagine that separation period again..

Our family supported us a lot in this tough time . Without them we couldn't have remained stable.

The day we left the NICU ... Our new life started with our little baby princess. The life she deserved from Day 1... The Almighty has bigger and greater plans for her..

She was always brave .. from the day she was born until now.. She is progressing every day .. every week. In shaa Allah one day she will achieve everything she Can .

Just want to say that Never ever lose hope with your child.. your newborn.. your little one.. who is in NICU or suffering from any syndrome or disease... One day those black clouds will fade away and the Sun will shine as bright as it had never shined before.. Just always cherish these little moments with your baby.. keep them happy . Be blessed..

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