Off-Duty Cop Stops Violent Beating!

4 months ago

Paul is a veteran law enforcement officer who encounters a vicious attack on a woman inside a retail shop. Compelled to get involved by the violence of the attack, does Paul make the right decision to get involved and choose the right course of action in engaging the threat - or does this all go badly, for everyone?

As with every FPD episode, the intensity is high, the training is valuable, and the lessons are painful for both the "good guys" and the bad.

This episode of First Person Defender is brought to you by HK, T4E Training, and C&G Holsters.

About First Person Defender:
Gun Talk’s First Person Defender puts regular people into force-on-force self-defense scenarios. Putting you inside the fight to defend your life or the lives of your loved ones, FPD shows you what can go wrong…and how fast it can happen.

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