Trump's Mar-a-Lago Replica of the ARK OF THE COVENANT Has Just Been Moved to Jerusalem

18 days ago

💭 Now that Mr. Trump has won the selection, Uncle Joe Biden might resign in the next days. This will bring Harris up into the position of POTUS and make her the first female US President, albeit a short tenure. This will help some of the left "feel better" about the election and set into history something that can never be changed. The dems would go down in history as having the first female US President. Regardless of the fact she got it by Biden resigning, it will be a fact taught in schools well into the future. A "win" for them.

Antichrist Donald Trump Preparing Himself? Donald Trump said he loves Saudi Arabia – back in 2016, his first foreign trip as president started in Saudi Arabia, the first time a US president has chosen Saudi Barbaria as the first stop on a maiden trip. Will he make the same hellish trip to the desert of Saudi Barbaria?

💭 Someone asks, Why Trump is in The Middle of Everyting currently Unfolding??

☆ The Ark of the Covenant
☆ The Election
☆ The Vaxx
☆ Jeffrey Epstein
☆ Ties to Gates and M. Jackson
☆ Satanic rappers
☆ Satanic performers
☆ Satanic Hollywood
☆ Head Wounds
☆ Lolita Express Planes
☆ Big Pharma (hired pharma shill and homo Vance)
☆ Even movies like Back to the Future admittedly modeled after Trump
☆ Sex Accusations
☆ Hushmoney
☆ Snake Poems
☆ Apollo false idol worship
☆ Infidelity
☆ Pride

Trust Jesus, not man.

በአክሱም ጽዮን ላይ (ታቦተ ጽዮንን ፍለጋ) የዘር ማጥፋት ጦርነቱ የተጀመረው ለእባቧ ግብጽ እና ለአረመኔው ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አጋሯ ድጋፍ ሲሰጡ የነበሩት ፕሬዝደንት ትራምፕ በአሜሪካው ፕሬዝደንታዊ ምርጫ ወቅት እንዲሸነፉ በተደረጉበት ዕለት ነበር። አጋጣሚ የሚባል ነገር የለም!

🛑 Why Is Trump in Love With The Utterly Disgusting Babylon Saudi Arabia So Much?

🛑 ለምንድነው ዶናልድ ትራምፕ እጅግ አስጸያፊ የሆነችውን ባቢሎን ሳውዲ አረቢያን ይህን ያህል የሚወዷት?

🛑 Donald Trump's Trouble is Linked to The Biblical Ark of The Covenant and Ethiopia
🛑 የዶናልድ ትራምፕ ችግር ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱሳዊው ታቦተ ጽዮን እና ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር የተያያዘ ነው
🛑 Trump Has The Ark of The Covenant Exact Replica in His Home at Mar-A-Lago (FLORIDA)

Wow! you can’t make this up, it’s an EXACT, FULL SIZE REPLICA of the Ark of The Covenant. It took 2700 Hours and SIX POUNDS of Gold to make. Trump has it in his Mar-A-Lago home. James O’Keefe and Laura Loomer got a picture of it standing next to it.

🛑 Trump: 'Religion And Christianity Are The Biggest Things Missing From America'

🛑 Why Is Trump in Love With The Utterly Disgusting Babylon Saudi Arabia So Much?

🛑 ለምንድነው ዶናልድ ትራምፕ እጅግ አስጸያፊ የሆነችውን ባቢሎን ሳውዲ አረቢያን ይህን ያህል የሚወዷት?

🛑 Trump Seized The Eclipse: Is He The One That Blocks God's Sunlight & Plunges America Into Darkness?

🛑 ዶናልድ ትራምፕ በትናንትናው የፀሐይ ግርዶሽ ወቅት ፀሐይዋን በሸፈነችው ጥቁር ጨረቃ ቦታ ላይ የራሳቸውን ምስል/ቅርጽ አስገቡ፤ ምን ማለት ይሆን?፡ የእግዚአብሔርን የፀሐይ ብርሃን የከለከሉት እና አሜሪካን በጨለማ ውስጥ የከተቷት እሳቸው መሆናቸውን ለመጠቆም ይሆን?

🗽 Statue of Liberty: Lightning + Earthquake + Eclipse. Trump + Saudi Alliance is A Curse to America

A new replica of the ark of the covenant has come to Jerusalem. At the same time something BIG just happened on the temple mount that hasnt happened in over 2000 years, Kohen priests went on it. Lets look at the prophetic significance of both of these things.

The Ark of the covenant in the historical ancient city of Shiloh

Over three years ago, a group of faithful volunteers embarked on a mission as ancient as time itself: to recreate the Ark of the Covenant, a sacred vessel forged in fire and spirit, whose echoes have reverberated across millennia. This journey began with the humble donation of a golden artifact from the First Temple, inscribed with the timeless words, “Consecrated to God.” It was a seed of faith planted, a calling that demanded both the mastery of their hands and the devotion of their souls. Sourcing the materials proved to be a monumental challenge. The Acacia wood ( ), mentioned in the Torah, had to be found in sufficient quantity and durable condition, while over seven pounds of pure gold—some from Egyptian idols (Exodus 11:2)—needed to be refined, cast, and hammered. Every grain of gold was prepared with intent and reverence, every detail crafted with an eye toward the divine. The group sought to recreate the Ark not as a mere object but as a symbol of the covenant between God and His people—a bridge between heaven and earth.

The breakthrough came when a rare opportunity arose to transport the Ark as part of a DoD cargo shipment. These flights, typically reserved for essential military materials, rarely made exceptions for civilian projects. But through what some may call divine intervention, the group secured space for the Ark on one of these flights.

Why DoD and US military involved

The shipment was quickly coordinated. The Ark was packed in a specially designed waterproof aluminum container and handled with the utmost care, as one would handle a baby. The crew, who had no direct connection to the mission, treated the Ark with reverence, sensing its significance. The fact that the Ark was being moved as part of a military support operation, flying over the war zone below, felt almost poetic—a reminder of its historical role as both a vessel of faith and a cataclysmic weapon carried ahead of the Army.

Their journey did not end at Shiloh. They visited Jericho, where the Ark circled the city walls for seven days before they collapsed. Then came the Temple Mount, where the First Temple once stood, and King David’s palace in the City of David, where King David kept the Ark before it found its place in King Solomon’s temple. Finally, they finished in Beit Shemesh, retracing the path of the Ark taken when it was returned by the Philistines—a story laden with mystery and divine intervention. At each stop, there was a reverence, a quiet awe, as though they were following in the footsteps of their ancestors from millennia past.

But it was at Shiloh that something extraordinary occurred. Within a minute of the Levites reciting the ancient blessing, Yahya Sinwar, the architect of the October 7th massacre, was dead. The timing was uncanny, almost impossible to comprehend. They had just spoken the words “May Your enemies be scattered,” and now one the most feared and wanted figures in recent history was gone.

The circumstances surrounding Sinwar’s death were shrouded in mystery. It wasn’t the result of a calculated intelligence operation or a successful manhunt; instead, it seemed to happen by an inexplicable twist of fate. For over a year, Sinwar had slipped through the grasp of Israeli intelligence, always one step ahead, and was likely en route to Egypt, beyond the reach of those seeking justice. Yet, in that moment, without warning, he was struck down—The timing was beyond coincidence; it was as if the heavens themselves had responded to the prayer. The hand of judgment had moved swiftly and silently, scattering the enemies of God as the Ark had once done in days long past.

👉 Courtesy:

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