Elite Dangerous | Module Review | Sirius Heatsink Launcher

2 months ago

The Sirius Heatsink Launcher is a tech broker modified variant of the standard heat sink launcher with a total of five charges, which exceeds the current engineering limit of four, making the Sirius variant the most powerful heat extraction system available. Sirius variant sink launchers can be acquired from specific Sirius Corp megaships located across the bubble. These tech brokers offer other unique modules not available at any other human technology broker.

The Sirius Heat Sink Launcher is a top shelf utility mount that allows commanders a performance gain exceeding the current best engineering standards, as such it is highly desirable. With no difference in power, distributor, or mass loads compared to the standard variant, the Sirius sink blends easily into any build that favors sink capacity over other concerns. While the materials requested of the tech broker can be time consuming to acquire, none of them are difficult to find, making it relatively simple to get enough ingredients for batch purchases.

0:00 Intro
0:35 Attributes
1:10 Engineering
1:38 Practical Use
2:51 Conclusion

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