Ergot Poisoning "The Bread of Madness"| Drugs of Plant Origin | #toxicology #medicine | Novice Medic

1 month ago

Source of ergot ​,Life cycle​ of ergot, Occurrence​ of ergot, Signs in plants​ by ergot, Ergot alkaloids​, Mechanism of action​ of ergot, Signs and symptoms of ergot poisoning​, Discovery of ergotism​, St. Anthony's Fire, ignis sacer, Fatal dose of ergot, fatal period of ergot, Treatment​ of ergot poisoning, Post mortem appearance​ by ergot, medicolegal aspects of ergot, LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, synthetic hallucinogenic drug, lysergide, sclerotia, honeydew, Ascomycete fungus, Claviceps purpura
#novicemedic #ergot #forensics #poisoning #toxicology #forensicmedicine #darkhistory #historicalfacts #medicalstudents #nursing #biology #science #deadlypoison #frenchhistory #fungus #mycology

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