Spaces of Hand Anatomy Easy Explained | Upper limb anatomy #mbbsfirstyear

3 months ago

Spaces of Hand Anatomy: Thenar, Midpalmar, Pulp Space, and Forearm Space of Parona
Welcome Fellow Medics! In this video, we delve into the intricate spaces of hand anatomy, focusing on the thenar space, midpalmar space, pulp space of the finger, and the forearm space of Parona.
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In this video, we cover:
Introduction to Hand Spaces: Overview of the significance of these anatomical spaces in the hand.
Thenar Space: Detailed description of the thenar space, its boundaries, and clinical relevance.
Midpalmar Space: Examination of the midpalmar space, its anatomical features, and importance.
Pulp Space of Finger: Insight into the pulp space of the finger, its structure, and function.
Forearm Space of Parona: Exploration of the forearm space of Parona, its location, and clinical implications.
Understanding the spaces within the hand is crucial for anyone studying human anatomy or pursuing a career in healthcare. This video provides essential insights into these important structures and their clinical relevance.

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midpalmar space
midpalmar space and thenar space
midpalmar space and thenar space anatomy
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midpalmar space and thenar space
midpalmar space anatomy
midpalmar space boundaries

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