Civil War 2.0 Soon To Begin?

6 days ago

It seems Trump could be the one who takes the position as POTUS and the police are already arresting Antifa rioters in certain cities. This could lead to the assassination of Trump and a Civil War. I would like to note I had a vision of Trump back around 2020 and heard the words 'Dead Fish.' I'm reposting this message from earlier this year:

Awhile back Snoop Dogg came out with a Music Video for his song 'Lavender' in 2017 which features Donald Trump as a Clown, an Actor in the Circus, and the video 'predicted' I would say the 'George Floyd' incident with the cops, and how it would culminate into a racially charged riot in the US (2020?). At the end of the music video it shows Donald Trump being shot by Snoop Dogg. I believe whoever wrote the script for this music video knows a great deal about the plans of the Luciferians, and how they seek to create a civil war, a race war, a class war, and it will eventually end in the assassination of Donald Trump.

It is also interesting that the name of the song (Lavender) also seems to hint at the purple synthesis of the Luciferians, where the Red and the Blue collide in a Civil War. The Lavender flower is purple and it represents spiritual transcendence or enlightenment in the occult. Thus 'Lavender' could be hinting at the AntiChrist and his New World Order being introduced or implemented as the result of a synthesis or the solution to the Red and Blue conflicts. If you mix Red and Blue it makes Purple.

In the music video, Snoop also says that it is the 'Final Call' and when the 'darkness falls it is death to us all.' I believe this is in reference to the start of the Tribulation Period which is known as the cold night of tribulation, Daniel's 70th Week, the day of darkness. And once, Trump is assassinated then chaos and Civil War will bring much death and destruction to America along with WW3, the financial collapse, Pandemic II, Famine, and much more.

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable Left Behind Letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

Graphene Nanotechology

Please see this Google Document for a study concerning the NWO Beast Kingdom and the coming AntiChrist One World Leader.

The Beast NWO

This is a quick study concerning the term 'last days' within God's 7000 year cycle of earth and mankind which patterns a 7 Day Week with a day of rest for 1000 years.

7000 Year Cycle

I've also included a link to my study document concerning the Abomination of Desolation:

Abomination of Desolation

For information about the difference between the Old Covenant and New Covenant, please see this document:

Under A New Covenant Study Doc

If you are interested, please see my document concerning my thoughts on the Two Freemasonic Pillars of Duality, the Twin Towers of 9/11, the Two US Political Parties and the civil war tensions, the New World Order and how it is all connected in Luciferian and occult esoteric philosophies and rituals.

The 2 Become 1 - Ordo Ab Chao

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