Mandala of Tantric Buddhism

4 months ago

This film by Dan Cozort, is one of the best explanations of the role and meaning of maṇḍalas I know of, following the monks of the Namgyal order as they construct the sand maṇḍala of the fearful Buddha Vajrabhairava.

The Namgyal monks spend three years out of their twelve years of study, understanding the maṇḍala, its construction and it's deep meaning, and they are the true experts in the tradition on this subject.

The film interviews two of their monks, Ven Tsering Namgyal and Ven. Tenzin Yignyen, as they prepare the maṇḍala in Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, and we also see extracts from a computer animated model of the maṇḍala which was made by Ven Pema Losang Chogyen.

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