Vanilla Midget Brian Tyler Cohen vs the Jews & White Men

2 months ago

Recently, the androgynous Brian Tyler Cohen posted a meme insinuating that Jews were voting for Kamala Harris, because they've seen this before. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Democrats are the real anti-Semites, the Democrats are the real racists who hate White Men.

Democrats have declared war on white people & especially white man, along w/ the Jews. Democrats hate, successful, straight white folks & Jews. Democrats have also thrown in w/ Hamas, even some LGBTQ groups, which probably don't know that Hamas would kill them.

BONUS: Creepy old man Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport struggles w/ Hamas' views on homosexuality. Sam Seder has a bizarre obsession w/ homosexual men & homosexuality, I wonder if he would go to Gaza & enlighten them?

The #DemocratCrimeWave video hub

My facebook Let's hammer Brian Tyler Cohen supporters, they are the dumbest voting bloc in these United States

PS Democrats are also suckers for hate crime hoaxes too. Well, at least when they can portray straight, white men as bigots

PPS Debunking Brian Tyler Cohen -- America does not have a Red State Murder Problem, it has a Blue County Murder Problem

PPPS Sam Seder & his "Republican Voter Suppression" talking points get nuked

PPPPS Covid-19 lockdowns get nuked!

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