The Wire - Election Night - November 5, 2024

4 months ago

//The Wire// Election Night, November 5, 2024//
-International Events-
Middle East: This afternoon PM Netanyahu dismissed Minister of Defense Gallant in a surprise move likely intended to remove moderates from his cabinet. Widespread protests and rioting has resulted from this decision, as a large portion of Israeli society sees this as a consolidation of power that increases the potential for war. Due to Gallant’s comparatively moderate stance on Iran, most viewed him as a balancing persona in the battle of social appeal regarding a potential conflict with Iran.
USA: The Presidential election was carried out throughout the day, with most reporting indicating a strong lead favoring Trump throughout most of the day as conservative turnout was higher, and liberal turnout was lower throughout many critical swing-states. Multiple bomb threats were allegedly called in at polling centers around the nation, and multiple instances of suspicious packages being found have been reported in a similar fashion. As of this report, all threats against polling places have been found to be false-alarms and not credible.
Pennsylvania: Sporadic reports throughout the day indicate varying issues statewide, mostly pertaining to issues with voting machines early this morning. Widespread issues with voting machines not functioning were reported mostly in Philadelphia immediately upon the polls opening, with many voters being told that the machines were “down” in some fashion (with no further explanation readily apparent), which caused the already-very-long voting lines to become even longer. Limited reports also suggest that authorized Republican poll watchers were prevented from accessing polling sites throughout Pennsylvania.
Wisconsin: This afternoon the city of Milwaukee announced a re-count of one district’s ballots due to one tabulator machine reportedly being unsecured for a period of time, in violation of election law. To ensure that the ballots are not tainted, roughly 30,000-40,000 ballots will be recounted tonight.
Washington D.C. – This afternoon a man carrying a flare gun and a torch was arrested at the US Capitol visitor’s center after bystanders noticed he smelled of fuel (likely gasoline). Capitol Police are investigating the incident, with no further details being made public at this time.
Washington State: Far left activists have already begun civil unrest operations throughout Seattle, as was previously planned weeks ago. AC: Most of the unrest so far has been fairly typical for that of the region, though by morning rioting could become more significant in the event of a Trump victory.
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Analyst Comments: As many expected based on the past 4 years of little effort to secure our elections (and overwhelming efforts to do the exact opposite), the playbook being essentially the same as in 2020 should have been a surprise to no one. Most of the highly questionable election events have pertained to Georgia (which poll watchers were hesitant to call for Trump, despite his substantial lead with almost all ballots counted), and Pennsylvania, which somehow had trouble counting their votes with expediency (echoing the suspicious activities of 2020 by keeping the count going late into the night when most people are asleep).
Generally speaking, the plan among most conservatives has revolved around voter turnout out-pacing the very obvious election rigging taking place in many critical districts, with the overall strategic goal of spreading the election fraud thin enough to be less significant. Only time will tell if this effort was successful, though in many states the overwhelming support for Trump has been displayed quite clearly.
Analyst: S2A1

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