Cathy O’Brien, CIA MK ultra mind control survivor 1996 testimony

3 months ago

I feel this is a perfect time to share Cathy O'Brien's 1996 testimony with those of you who haven't yet heard about her.

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread for you.

Cathy O’Brien, Recovered Survivor of the CIA, MK-Ultra Mind Control Operation called Project Monarch, discusses her experience.

The horrifying and shocking content of this interview is a matter of public record, and has been documented in O’Brien’s book, Trance-Formation of America, which is based on the transcripts of her testimony before a special federal investigative committee.

On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA’s Top Secret Mind Control Research Project and most of the congressional records are included in her book.

Along with her husband, intelligence insider Mark Phillips, she fought back. It was Mark Phillips who rescued her from this nightmare.

Cathy O'Brien's website:

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