Hindsight Retrospective 2020: "Quantum Humanity" [12 November]

3 months ago

The 2020 election was "disappointing" to put it mildly. Among allegations of voter fraud, stolen election, and Biden being an illegitimate president and DJT still being in control, (in the shadows) Q drops, and rumors that the military was in control, the US was coming unraveled. In Hindsight (2020) we know how it turned out. However, a we moved into the transition period, those emboldened by the result of November 3, 2020 flexed their tyrannical muscles.

Meanwhile the original series, "Noxsoma Life Camp" was becoming more consistent and we were posting episodes daily. This is the "pre-historic" version of Full Metal Ox.

This series is from November 2020. We will probably be able to string this series out until the end of the year. Both years. As you can easily figure out, this series parallels years 2020 & 2024.

But let's take the Wayback Machine to this day four years ago.

We're still doing our South Florida thing.

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