4 months ago

Cheryl and Ken talk with Lori DeVillez, the CEO of Trotter House of Evansville regarding the celebration of life and her message of hope and support with unplanned pregnancy.

Trotter House Vision:

Trotter House is a community outreach with the vision to serve our local communities with excellence in meeting the needs of families and helping them thrive.

Trottter House Mission:

In order to fulfill the vision statement, Trotter House will offer specialized programs and services to
assist women and families who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy or difficult situation. Our
overall mission is to ensure that Trotter House will continue to serve communities across the globe in
excellence and unconditional love in JESUS name.

Trotter House of Evansville CEO Lori DeVillez B.A

Equipped with a Bachelor of arts degree in psychology/social work from the University of Southern Indiana, and a background in social work, public administration, and missions, Lori DeVillez began her career path of serving pregnancy centers in 1992. From her first position which provided on-the-job medical training, to the leadership of both a pregnancy center and a maternity home, Lori advanced to becoming President of a national group, an Austin, Texas-based organization that assists women's pregnancy resource centers.

From 1997- 2005 Lori traveled the nation helping centers develop strategic ministry and providing training in all aspects of pregnancy resource center management.
Lori's teachings included superior management and administrative practices, strategic planning for boards of directors, personnel training and certification, fund-raising, development of new centers, how to have great conferences and offer continuing education as well as developing successful media campaigns to reach women in crisis and more.

Lori now lives in her hometown of Evansville, Indiana where she operates as the CEO and founder of Trotter House. She enjoys spending time with Hannah, her beloved niece, and her dog Abagail "Abi" Love.

Trotter House is represented in Austin and Lindale Texas; Evansville, Jasper, and Mt Vernon, Indiana.

Trotter House provides: Pregnancy Tests, Limited Sonograms, Pregnancy Consulting, Health Lifestyles Education, Infant Supplies, Mentoring Life Skills, Healthcare and Community Referrals, Adoption Referrals, and Professional Counseling.


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