Elephant in the Room - Confessions Bk.12 Chs.22-24

4 months ago

Midweek Refuel
Confessions Bk.12 Chs.22-24
Elephant in the Room

Are you hungry for deeper meaning? Ever feel like you’re only touching pieces of a much larger truth? Join us for Midweek Refuel, where we uncover the bigger picture that God has painted for us.

In this week’s journey, we’ll walk alongside Augustine and a troupe of travelers lost in their own limited sight, discovering what it truly means to see with the eyes of faith. If you've ever felt like the answers are just out of reach, this message is for you.

Let’s go beyond signs and symbols. It’s time to see the whole truth. Tap into timeless wisdom and refresh your spirit. Subscribe now and step into the full reality of life that God has for you.

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