Microdosing for Flow State & Peak Performance w/ Brainsupreme’s Adam Schell

4 months ago

Today, I’m thrilled to introduce Adam Schell, the creator of Brainsupreme – an approach to microdosing that’s precise, measurable, and accessible for people looking to boost flow and peak performance. Whether you’re looking to enhance mental clarity, boost creativity, or just feel more connected, Adam’s breaking down the 101 of microdosing psilocybin. And for those who are already familiar with nootropics, we’ll also dive into how Brainsupreme blends psilocybin with other powerful cognitive enhancers to optimize performance in both the mind and body. Adam will highlight the different blends and strains they use at Brainsupreme, and the ideal dosing schedule based on your goals.

This episode covers everything from Adam’s fascinating career shift from LA yoga teacher to author to cannabis entrepreneur, to the principles behind Brainsupreme, to the non-addictive nature of mushrooms, and why it’s a much better recreational substance than alcohol. We’ll also hit on topics like the role of set and setting in psychedelic experiences, how mushrooms can be used as a gateway to greater connection and love, and some of the common pitfalls to avoid when using psychedelics.

For the next 60 days, go to https://brainsupreme.co and use code LUKE20 for 20% off. After that, code LUKE will still give you 15% off.

For more info, visit: https://lukestorey.com/lifestylistpodcast/569

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(00:00:00) Opening
(00:00:00) Adam’s Former Career as a Yoga Teacher & Current Fitness Routine
(00:09:18) Reconciling Evil & Prioritizing Biological Preservation as a Parent
(00:27:49) Combatting Darkness with Love
(00:41:03) From Cannabis Entrepreneur to the Genesis of Brainsupreme
(01:15:25) How to Microdose Effectively
(01:32:50) Leveling Up to Performance Dosing 
(01:38:33) Benefits of Replacing Alcohol with Mushrooms & Contraindications of Psilocybin
(01:57:53) The Secret Sauce of Brainsupreme Formulations
(02:07:19) How Mushrooms Can Lower the Volume on Addiction
(02:15:48) Developing & Identifying Different Mushroom Strains

The Life Stylist is produced by Crate Media.

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