5 Bible Questions w Andrew LeClair & Sean Griffin

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📢***1 Enoch Contextual Study Guide***

Email: kingdomincontext@gmail.com

Kingdom In Context. 2024.

5 Questions
#1. How is God not ultimately responsible for what Satan does since God has authority over Satan and can just stop him? Satan has to ask permission in Job and in Jubilees 48 he seems to do God's dirty work for him when he tries to kill Moses on the way to Egypt.
#2. Should we still call ourselves ‘Christian’ even though there’s a lot of baggage that comes with this name?
#3. Who was high priest in heaven before Yeshua’s death, resurrection, and ascension to that position?
#4. What do you say to someone who inquires about stoning your rebellious son? (as an argument against Torah Observance)
#5. Where do we go immediately when we die as a believer?

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