Mercury Retrograde in Ophiuchus: Deep Healing and Unveiling Truths 🌟

4 months ago

Join us live in our next Planetary Encodement Activation:

Prepare for a powerful period of deep healing and reflection as Mercury goes retrograde in Ophiuchus from November 26 to January 3. 🌟 This unique astrological alignment offers an opportunity to dive deep into our inner truth, break down old value systems, and access the Akashic records for profound transformation.

Key topics in this video include:
*The significance of Mercury Retrograde and its impact on communication and self-reflection
*How the Venus-Moon conjunction in Ophiuchus reveals new beginnings and the potential for personal transformation
*The upcoming alignment of Venus with the Galactic Center and its role in activating source codes within us
*Insights on the Akasha and how accessing this cosmic library can help us unlock our ultimate truth
*Personal reflections on being "behind your eyes" and the journey to finding your inner center

This is a time to reflect, heal, and align with the deepest parts of ourselves. With the veils thinning, we have unprecedented access to our soul’s journey and the wisdom of the stars. 🌠

#MercuryRetrograde #Ophiuchus #DeepHealing #VenusConjunction #GalacticCenter #AkashicRecords #Transformation #SpiritualGrowth #StarBeings #InnerTruth

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