Music of the Romanovs

3 months ago

The #Romanov Grand Duchesses listened to different music starting in 1907, when their parents agreed to give them more freedom and allow the #russianimperial children to see #Bolshoitheatre and #Mariinskytheatre operas, plays and ballets. The Grand Duchesses saw #Annapavlova dance in the #pharaohsdaughter . They heard #feodorchaliapin sing in #Rimskykorsakov operas. #GrandDuchessOlga 's favorite was #Lohengrin by #Wagner . The #Romanovdynasty listened to #Godsavethetsar during the Romanov tercentenary of 1913. #GrandDuchessAnastasia and #GrandDuchessMaria staged their own plays for years, even in exile. While in exile in #Tobolsk and #Ekaterinburg #ipatiev , the #Romanovroyal family read many books, including #sherlockholmes , #Tolstoy and #Haggard .


Helen Rappaport, "The Romanov Sisters" (2015)

Coppélia-Suite: Act I - Mazurka · Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra

The Ossipov Balalaika Orchestra Nikolai Kalinin, Conductor

#tedeum #mnogoletie #ipatievhouse #russianrevolution #otma #otmaa #tsar #tsarina #tsarnicholasii #tsarinaalexandra #russianhistory #tartarin #lifeforthetsar #glinka #madamebutterfly #sleepingbeauty #littlehumpbackedhorse #donquixote #романов #царь #глинка #Корсаков #чайковский #толстый

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