When you don’t need family counseling and when you need it | James Pfeiffer | Ep 51

3 months ago

James Pfeiffer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. His experience in the areas of individual and family is extensive and has developed over the course of 34 years in private practice. He uses different formats of Psychotherapy, depending on the needs and severity of his patients to treat psychological disorders and mental distress through the use of verbal and psychological techniques. James is back on our podcast to talk about when you do need a counselor, why men need to be in touch with their emotions, and how your family life affects your work place performance.

Connect with James here:

00:00 - The Beginning
02:13 - Why sitting down with a counselor won’t fix your family
07:00 - How your home life affects your workplace performance
10:00 - Why men need to be in touch with their emotions
16:00 - How cold silence can be a tell of your marriage's health
20:00 - Don’t build a wall between you and your partner
22:00 - Can you have an affair with your spouse?
26:00 - How to genuinely forgive your partner
20:00 - Why we need to water the grass we have instead of searching for new grass
32:00 - Communicating internal cultures and expectations
38:00 - The secret sauce to a long lasting marriage
42:00 - Staying connected to family history
47:00 - How to do you get back to that first love stage in your marriage

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The founder of Kingdom Heirs is an entrepreneur & commercial developer, who owns and operates multiple service based companies located in Texas. We create wealth through our businesses and use the profits to support local, national and international efforts to spread the Good News.
Kingdom Heirs is a podcast that highlights different business people around the country serving God in the Marketplace. KingdomHeirs encourages entrepreneurs to use the resources that they generate through business to benefit the community around them.

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