Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti | Hidden Gameboard & Final Conflict Drama | Part 17

3 months ago

Part 17, Chapter 18 of Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti delves into the deeper conflicts and hidden alliances shaping human and cosmic history. This segment covers the Hidden Gameboard Final Conflict Drama, the symbolism of the Lion, Lamb, Sphinx, and Eagle, and the White Eagle and Melchizedek Deception. It also discusses the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition’s alliances, the Montauk Project, Guardian interventions, and landmark events such as the Falcon Uncapping, Indigo Hunting, and Edict of War. Gain insights into the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, Hurricane Andrew, and the cosmic underpinnings of the "War on Terrorism."

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00:00 The Hidden Gameboard Final Conflict Drama
05:42 The Lion, The Lamb, The Sphinx, and the Eagle
19:06 The White Eagle and the Melchizedek Deception
22:44 The Sacred Cow, Faces of Man, Eater Island Heads, and the Trion Field
33:29 The Falcon, Phoenix Project, and the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition 1951-1983
44:02 Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, The Dragon, Bin Laden, and the "War on Terrorism" 1980-2001
51:54 Montauk Project, "War in the Heavens," Sonic Pulse and "Unnatural Disasters" 1983
55:20 Guardian Intervention and the Bridge Zone Project 1983-1992
58:30 The Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements and Hurricane Andrew 1992
1:05:07 Temporary Cap on the Montauk Phi-Ex Wormhole 1994-1998
1:13:48 Anunnaki Defection, Falcon Uncapped, Indigo Hunting and Edict of War 1998-2001
1:18:55 Outro

#HiddenGameboard #FinalConflict #LionAndLamb #SphinxAndEagle #WhiteEagle #MelchizedekDeception #SacredCow #TrionField #PhoenixProject #AndromieRigelianCoalition #WarOnTerrorism #MontaukProject #GuardianIntervention #BridgeZoneProject #PleiadianSirianAgreements #FalconUncapped #IndigoHunting #EdictOfWar #AncientSymbols #AscensionTeachings #GalacticHistory #CosmicTimeline #PlanetaryEvolution #UniversalTemplar

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📛Name: Justin
🙏🏻Purpose: Offer healing, love, compassion, share knowledge, and support others on their spiritual Path
🙈Truth Seeker
☀️♋ Sun in the 8th conjunct Venus
🌙♑ Moon conjunct Uranus/Neptune
⬆️♏ Rising/ASC
👁️12th House: Pluto in Scorpio conjunct ASC
➕Grand Cross 🐦‍🔥 (Fixed): ♏♉♌♒ Horizontal-Pluto(Scorpio)/Mars(Taurus) Vertical-Mercury(Leo MC)/Saturn(Aquarius) Self Mastery is 🔑
🐺Personality Type: INFP
💬 Motto: "Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor", "I have seen as much beauty in the dark as I have seen horrors in the light"
🪶Spiritual Path: Heart based mystic 💚(experiential), Bhakti Yoga 🙏🏻 (Devotion), Vipassana🧘🏻‍♂️, Esoteric study ✝️✡️☪️🕉️ (All religions with strong leanings towards mystic traditions i.e. Christian Mysticism, Kabbalah, Sufism), I AM that I AM, Knight of the Rose (Healing the Divine Feminine), Microcosm of the Macrocosm, Rosae Crucis, Eternal student, Guide, Teacher
👻Soul Origin: Lyra 🦁, Andromeda 💫💖

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