Katie Hobbs is trying it AGAIN...

2 months ago

but a little does she realize that by running out of ink especially in Maricopa County you could be affecting not the Republican vote but THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE!! YOU JUST SET UP YOUR OWN PEOPLE TO FAIL!
because the majority of Republicans have already voted early we got our shit put in on paper and in person. now if you are a Republican and you waited till the last minute you don't have an excuse. we told you they were going to do this we told you how to circumvent it and you didn't not listen. that's only on you. they've been pulling these tricks for weeks at other states and major liberal cities or ones that are too close to call and highly contested of going from Blue to red. you didn't listen. I'm hoping and praying that the majority of those that are being given the shaft by Maricopa County and the governor of Arizona Katie Hobbs who became governor while still being Secretary of State in which it is the secretary of state that verifies all elections and oversees them. she did not recuse herself she didn't debate she's not my governor. I live in a leaderless state. she's nothing to me but a communist that is worthy of the news. but I'm praying to God that this little game that she's playing is affecting the Democrat vote. and that Trump will win all 11 electoral votes in the state of Arizona because she wanted to screw people over and it bit her in the ass.

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