Ep 742 • PROPHETIC DREAM on Election Day 2024 •

4 months ago

Words of Encouragement, Tuesday Nov 5th, 2024

Ep 742 • PROPHETIC DREAM on Election Day 2024 •


November 5th (Election Day) 2024

Linda (the bride) and I were at the Salem House of Prayer (intercession). It had undergone massive change (growing in maturity). It was much larger now (more praying now than in all of history), and there were many young people who leading it (upcoming leadership). They were very zealous and Loved the Lord with sincerity (in spite of challenges). They seemed like the kind of college-age kids that would have come from a place like Bethel, or CFaN, or YWAM, or one of the many training facilities available today.

I'm not sure why Linda and I were there, except that we obviously came for a visit, and we were well received (honoring the past 'Fathers & Mothers'). There was a lot of activity and all of it seemed good (outreach and discipleship programs). There was a prayer meeting going on in the main sanctuary (My House shall be called a house of prayer), and I was feeling like the Lord wanted me to come up to the podium and pray (Past Leadership still has a voice and a roll to play).

I spoke to a young man who seemed to be in charge of the prayer meeting, and told him I would like to step up and pray. He answered and said that "The hour was late" and they had "gone way over their allotted time", but that yes, I could step up and pray.

God had already placed a Scripture on my heart, which I couldnt seem to remember the address at first, but finally realized it was Romans 8:28. I had my Bible with me and I kept looking for the Scripture, and I just couldn't find it for some reason. I was also hindered, because there was a lot of extra things packed into my Bible (less important things), like we used to joke about not letting your Bible become a filing cabinet. It was so cluttered it made it hard to find the chapter and verse I was looking for.

Finally in frustration I asked to borrow someones Bible that was sitting next to me. It belonged to an older woman, who was part of a group of well-seasoned 'Matriarch's' (Mother's in Israel) who are also there praying over a particular pre-determined subject (staying open to new, unexpected Holy Spirt inspired interruptions and methods). Her Bible was a smaller, very plain, old black King James Bible (not casting away the old ways just because they are old). It reminded me of a Bible that perhaps someone's Grandma had before we created Bibles with all kinds of commentaries Etc. It was worn and obviously well used.

She seemed mildly upset that I was going to step up and pray, and let me know they had 'not finished their prayer set' yet. But she conceded to let me step in (humility in action--preferring one another). I also I knew if I was going to the obedient to step up and pray, I had to do it right then. Time was running out.

It was now time to step up to the podium to pray, and I had still not found the verse I was searching for. But I was getting closer (so many promises--which one matters most?). I remember finding the book of Acts and thinking it was just one book ahead of that. As I started to walk up towards the pulpit where people stood to pray (preaching AND praying the Word), I began to tremble, and I felt the weight of God's Divine Presence, like I had not felt in some time.

There was a certain amount of levity in the crowd, but not too much. It wasn't disrespectful or overly casual, as much as some of the people in the crowd simply didn't discern the moment, and I was feeling overwhelmed with sobriety and a Godly fear, pertaining to the subject and prayer I was about to pray.

Then suddenly Linda stepped up to the prayer-pulpit. The pulpit area was different in that it did not face the audience, but faced a wall that was in front of it (prayers directes to God not man). There was a small space about a foot wide between the wall and the front of the pulpit, and Linda (the bridal-partner in Intercesaion) had to squeeze her way into it in order to stand in front of me (agreeing with Jesus the intercessor is a 'narrow way'). As she did, she made a kind of a funny face because it was so tight and there was literally no room for her to move around. She smiled for a second and when she saw how serious I was, she then began to feel the same weight of the moment (we are in a serious moment in time).

Then I realized I had to lift my voice to address the people, as there was no microphone and I was not facing them but facing the wall (its time to lift our voices). So in a loud voice I told the people a simple message: "The Lord is coming soon and we need to pray." I didn't really even have a chance to start praying before I woke from the dream.


"It's a funny thing when you know things are about to come to an end. The tendency then, is to get a really clear focus on what is truly important, and what is truly not."

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