Pharma companies make money on interventions when people are sicker for longer periods of time

3 months ago

Calley Means: "So from my opinion, from my small vantage points, what happens is you get bombarded with complexity. What the industries do, oh, you can't touch agriculture incentives even though they're broken, that's going to hurt farmers."

"You can't, you know, oh, the health care, oh, the PBMs, I'm hearing this all the time, the PBMs and the insurance companies, all these players, you have to have clarity of vision and an agenda which President Trump and RFK are talking about that's super, super clear. It's like we are going to get pharma funding. out of the FDA. We are going to reorient with an executive order the goal of the NIH back to foundational research."

"We are going to disallow people that make nutrition guidelines for kids to take money from Kellogg's. There's 30 things that you can do. And I think what President Trump has talked about and what he says is like, let's stay high level. We're not going to have nuclear war."

"We're going to aggressively... call out and push on major policy objectives to take the corruption out of the healthcare institutions to attack the incentive that every single healthcare institution in America today makes more money when a child is sicker for a longer period of time, just demonstrably. Insurance companies, they make 15% by law profit margin, they want premiums to grow, that's what's happening."

"Pharma companies make money on interventions when people are sicker for longer periods of time. Hospitals, as Casey talks about, makes money on interventions, does not make money when people are healthy. Medical schools. make money from the sick care system. Just a clear-eyed set of objectives, I think it can fit on a small piece of paper."

"What you do is you have a lobbyist come in and say it's complex. Like, there's just simple questions. Why are we paying 10 times more for drugs than Germany? Why in the United States is 10 times more expensive to biozim pick than in Germany or Scandinavia? Like, there's these simple, simple things. You can do that. Trump's talked about it. Biden's talked about it. It's by parts."

"It's not free market that we're paying 10 times more than Germans. We're the biggest buyer of drugs in the country. Why are we subsidizing the rest of the world and subsidizing the pharmaceutical industrial complex? That could be one stroke of a pen, right? One stroke of a pen to reset and say, you know, no price setting. You can charge whatever you want, but we're not going to pay more than the Germans."

"Charge whatever you want. We have every right to do that. That's one stroke of pen. And then you get the blowback. You get, Oh, you're going to hurt innovation. It's not our job to fund innovation for Europe. Like charge us the same price. you're going to hurt, you know, you're going to lead to drug shortages. Well, if you like charge a higher price of like you can do. But it's like literally like just like clear focus."

"Like and I think Trump like he's talking about this. He's seen it. So, you know, to anyone kind of. And I've gone through this process. It's like he he. We know who he is. But we also know that he's going to put good people in charge and not stand in their way and wants to be bold."

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