Holy Quran 2. Surat Al-Baqarah (The Calf)

3 months ago

Assalamo Alaikum Wa'rahmatullai Wa'barakataho everyone,

I pray you all are well.

I am adding this on the 1st of February, 2022. I just wanted to say, I recently started a new Instagram Page, it is @Islamicinformatio4141 . It would mean the world to me if you were to follow and share it.

May Allah SWT make my account a form of Sadqa-e-Jariya for everyone who supports it. Ameen.

May Allah SWT grant us all a pious spouse along with righteous children who will accompany us to Jannahtul-Firdaws. Ameen.

JazakAllah Khairun.

☆ The Holy Quran's Arabic and English translation and transliteration.
The English Translation is Sahih International.
The Arabic reciter is Mishari ibn Rashid al-`Afasy and the English reciter is Ibrahim Walk.
The text is from www.Quran.com

Assalamo Alaikum Wa’rahmatullahi Wa’barakatuhu,

I hope you’re in good health. I re-uploaded this content from ‘The Meaning of Islam’ on YouTube. Below are all their socials, please give them a follow.

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