*REEE* Watch CNN Panel's Faces As Analyst Explains How The Math Does NOT Add Up For A Kamala Win

4 months ago

Posted • November 5, 2024: While we certainly do not want to give our readers the impression that Trump has this in the bag so they don't need to vote (go vote if you haven't already, take 10 Republicans with you and vote vote vote) we just HAD to share this with all of you. There is something rather delicious in watching people who can't deal with reality having to deal with reality, especially when it comest to numbers and math. Sounds like according to this CNN analyst, the numbers do not add up for a Kamala win: "The math doesn't work. The Democrats are down 1.7 million early votes in the battleground states in urban areas." - "They are down 1.4 million votes in the battleground states among women voters." - "Rural voters have overperformed early by 300,000."

"Democrats have to win their races early. Republicans generally win them on election day." - "The margins don't add up right now for the Democrats in any of these battleground states," Marc Lotter said. You can see that math is considered 'hate speech' to these triggered CNN journos. 🤣 Sorry, but we've been informed MANY times that math is racist … but then again, we suppose it could be hate speech as well. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - *REEE* Watch CNN Panel's FACES As Analyst Explains How the Math Does NOT Add Up for a Kamala Win

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