X22 Report-3491-Trump Ready To Take Control Of CB-DS Preparing Their FF-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3491a - Labor Market In Death Spiral, Markets Down, Trump Ready To Take Control Of The [CB]

[KH] has brought in more illegals than have created jobs in the US. Labor market is falling apart. Wages are not keeping up with US house prices. The retired generation cannot make ends meet. Trump will take control the [CB] in the end.

Ep. 3491b - [DS] Preparing Their [FF], Silent Majority No More, Bigger Than You Can Imagine

The [DS] is now telegraphing the [FF] they are preparing. Will this [FF] occur on the election day or will they wait a couple of days so they can make the Trump supporters angry. Scavino sends a message letting everyone know that the silent majority is bigger than anyone can imagine. The [DS] will fight it all the way but the people are united not divided. It's time to take the country back. 

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