Jesus was NOT a Jew - Bertrand L. Comparet

3 months ago

For those taking the time to really listen and appreciate what this man was saying decades ago, rings very soundly today. If you are noticing certain power centers causing havoc today, what is shared here may clarify some things as they have done for me. At 63yrs old; with the experiences & "education" in my past, that we were not taught this!! More than infuriating!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

The Truth Will Set You Free ....... But First It Will Piss You Off!!!

Bertrand L. Comparet (RIP) really presents incredible information from carved in stone historical accounts paired with Biblical Scripture. All of it wrapped up in a big box of Here & Now! People who can watch this information and NOT connect the dots, can't worry about 'em to much. Try and move on as not everyone is meant to see. Not everyone is part of the Creators Covenant with Abraham. White Christian folks appears to be. Historically and Biblically. Those other folks, well let's invert that for them. They'll appreciate that at least.
"The show of their countenance doth witness against them."
PS - that Zionist Pied Piper providing all the "hopium" to the ignorant
masses in the US, is on the side of the genocidal "little hats". There is
NO doubt about that. The other one put up for "selection" doesn't know
what game show she's in. A complete waste of time following any of it, outside of being aware in a broader sense. Same here in Canada. They are ALL guilty of mass genocide here with the hot shots. Won't even speak about it. Memory hold and there are still complicit/ignorant people out there cheering them on. Lil PP will be as bad or worse than...what the foreigners making law here now. Tis ALL bullshit.
Kamel Toe elected - civil war sooner
Drumph elected - civil war later
- same, any "difference" is in your mind.
Break free of the Matrix 😊...that was a documentary 😊
All The Very Best!

Source - The Freedom Ministry -


These edomite jews have lied since their inception/birth because that's their nature being that they are of the seed from Cain (whose father is Satan.) They were MARKED by God (see their big, often crooked or grotesque appearing, noses) so all would know who ((( they ))) are!

The House of Israel is YOURS White Man. We are Israel. We have the Biblical covenant with the Creator God! Jacob is our ancestor, not the cursed edomite jews!

The "jews" are NOT Israel. Period. Share this video with all your friends & family!

Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew! He was from Nazarene and got 11 of his 12 disciples from Galilee (all of them non-Jewish except Judas who was an edomite - JEW!) It all makes sense now, doesn't it?!

"You are of your father, the Adversary, and the desires of your father you are wanting to do. He was a man-killer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, for truth is not in him. Whenever he may be speaking a lie, he is speaking of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it." -John 8:44

"Lo! I have granted to those of the synagogue of Satan, (who are saying that they themselves are Judahites, and are not, but are lying) - Lo! I shall be making them that they will be arriving and worshiping, before your feet, and they may know that I love you." -Revelation 3:9 (CLV)

'"I am aware of your acts and affliction and poverty (but you are rich) and the calumny of those saying that they themselves are Judahites, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." -Revelation 2:9 (CLV)

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"The Truth fears no investigation, only yids do." -The Freedom Ministry

If you appreciate the work I do and would like to support The Freedom Ministry you can by sending CASH or MONEY ORDER by contacting me at -- I am literally doing this on a shoe-string budget & by the grace of Yahweh God! God willing, this Ministry will carry on!

God bless

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