Whatever you focus on amplifies and whatever you choose to ignore disappears

2 months ago

In this video, we explain why it is so important to create a picture of possibility, detailing exactly what you want to experience in the future.

As long as you continue to focus your attention of fear, lack, anger or depression, just that will amplify in your experience, delivering more of what you don’t want.

As more and more people awaken to the fact that our reality is a product of what we focus our attention on, they will consciously start to break away from their programmed addiction to live in fear and instead start to focus on reasons to be grateful, reasons to be fulfilled and reasons to be happy.

As this shift continues, people will realise that fighting against the chaos is futile and actually has the opposite effect of what we want. Namely the very fact that we fight against anything means that we have shifted our focus in that direction.

Whatever we focus on amplifies. So if you want less of something and more of another. Ignore what you don’t want and focus on what you do.

Find time to just be and focus on creating your vision of what you would like to experience as “The Great Awakening”.

Once you shift your focus away from what you don’t want, towards what you do, the healing starts and more and more of what you do want will start to show up in your experience.

Awaken your own divinity, and invite your soul or essence, to become dynamic, so that your physical body, which we mistakenly believe to be who and what we are, can become passive, in service to your soul, spirit or essence.

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