Even Our Dogs Know: A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For America … And More Affordable Treats

4 months ago

Posted • November 5, 2024: I don't know about all of you, but I could use something a little light and fun as we gird our loins for the madhouse of Election Day. I won't quit and neither will anyone else at Twitchy, nor our readers, but it does wear on you a little bit having to listen to Kamala Harris's cringeworthy speeches, to the media blatantly lying on her behalf and covering up for her (or trying to, anyway), and being gaslit daily by the Democrat political machine, not to mention all of the lies they have spun about Donald Trump as their closing message. So much for 'joy.' The last week of the election from the Harris campaign has been 100 percent fearmongering. If one side is showing a positive vision of the future, as Trump and J.D. Vance have been doing, and the other side is talking about garbage, Nazis, fascists, and (one of their favorites) The Handmaid's Tale 24/7, we think that should be an easy decision.

But if you want a reason to know that your vote for Trump is the right one, who better to turn to than man's best friend? For the canine endorsement in the 2024 election, we thank Libs of TikTok for this hilarious, but also very revealing, video. Even the dogs know. 🤣🤣🤣 Yes they do!! 👇🥳🥳 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1853528376486645760/pu/vid/avc1/640x360/MkYeav143t-Y7w-n.mp4 -- After seeing this they had enough. 🤣 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1853528495625793536/vid/avc1/576x1024/tLFgJ-yaitBeO01j.mp4 -- Dogs are very smart animals and can be trained to respond to all kinds of voice cues. Many years ago, a friend of mine trained his dog to give anyone a high five who said the words 'George W. Bush.' (If only we had known then what we know now.) I know dogs are exceptional judges of character. They are angels without wings, natural empaths with an uncanny ability to perceive emotional states, respond to affection, and sense danger.

My own best friend, my 9-year-old yellow lab, is not much of a cuddler. But when he senses my emotions are down, even if I don't say anything, he always jumps up next to me and rubs his face next to mine, with plenty of licks added in for good measure. This is outstanding and inexpensive therapy, by the way. And even though he is friendly and calm most of the time, he will immediately bark (he's got quite an intimidating voice) at anyone who he perceives as a threat to me. That's usually followed up by him running and hiding behind my legs though. Oh, well. Nobody's perfect. We haven't seen Trump or Harris try to play the 'dog card' in this campaign (neither owns any pets), but their running mates have. We saw Tim Walz -- on his fake hunting trip where he couldn't load a shotgun -- try to hug a hound who was on the trip and the dog could not get away from him fast enough. In contrast, J.D. Vance has taken his German Shepherd Atlas with him to many campaign events.

Despite being only 10 months old, still a puppy, Atlas was perfectly well-behaved and heeded his leash commands very well at campaign events where Vance was surrounded by Secret Service and the press. If you've ever had a puppy, you know that ain't easy for them to do. (Especially if that puppy is owned by Joe Biden, but that's another article.) We have also seen in this campaign how both sides feel about animals in general. When it was reported in Springfield, Ohio, that illegal immigrants from Haiti were eating animals, and there was evidence of that despite what the media claimed, Democrats showed no concern for those animals, but tried to say it was all 'disinformation.' Meanwhile, Trump and Vance were outraged. More recently, Democrats defended police raiding a New York home and kidnapping -- then euthanizing -- a couple's pet squirrel and raccoon because the animals were there 'illegally.' (Democrats, it will come as no surprise, have zero sense of irony.)

On the right, again everyone was outraged. We all instantly turned into John Wick. Twitchy's own Amy Curtis explained why in an outstanding thread about government overreach and selective law enforcement. You should read if you haven't already. So, what does all of this have to do with a funny video about a dog who was trained to accept treats from Trump and RFK and reject them from Harris? I don't want to overstate things. As I said above, I mostly loved this video because it was just plain fun. But to me, it also represents how Republicans and Democrats are approaching this election. Of course, we are all taking it very seriously because it is very serious business with very serious implications for the future of America. But amid all of that, every day on Twitter, I see most Trump supporters viewing the election with a spirit of confidence, optimism, hope, and a healthy dose of fun and frivolity to make sure we don't lose our minds. Libs of TikTok's video just highlights that.

On the Democrat side, their minds appear already to have been lost. We see a lot of anger, a lot of panic, and an overwhelming amount of rage. As you get ready to vote tomorrow -- or volunteer if you already cast your ballot -- remember those emotions. Keep them close to you because tomorrow WILL get nuts, no matter how it turns out. Also, remember which end of that emotional spectrum your dog responds to best. After all, onomatopoetically, 'MAGA' does sound a little bit like a pupper's friendly bark, doesn't it?

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