the Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God

3 months ago

Praise You, Lord Jesus, for coming as the King of the heavenly kingdom to establish the kingdom of God for the fulfilment of God's eternal purpose! Amen, Lord, thank You for delivering us out of the authority of Satan and bringing us into the kingdom of the Son of God's love! We love You, Lord, and we love being here, in Your kingdom, enjoying You as love and light. Thank You for bringing us into the kingdom of God where God can exercise His authority to work out His plan. Amen, Lord, we open to You and we give You more ground in our being so that Your kingdom may expand in us.

Hi there, welcome to this podcast! This is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today on the general topic of, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ - part 1 (2024 Summer Training (2024 July Semiannual Training - week 4, day 2). The title of this portion of enjoyment is, Being one with Christ to Establish the Kingdom of God and Fulfill God's Purpose. We hope you enjoy the Lord while listening to this portion and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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