The Sixth Boss of the playthrough | Headless Ape | Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

4 months ago

Fighting against the Sixth Boss in the Sekiro Playthrough, Headless Ape.

The Description of the Boss:

The Headless Ape is a continuation of the Guardian Ape boss fight first encountered in the Sunken Valley. The Headless Ape is located in the Guardian Ape's Burrow of the Ashina Depths, past the Poison Pool. This Boss WILL NOT spawn unless the Guardian Ape has been defeated in the Sunken Valley Passage. This boss has two (2) health bars that must be removed in order to defeat it. The 1st Phase of this fight will be the same as the 2nd Phase of the Guardian Ape fight in the Sunken Valley Passage; upon dealing the 1st Deathblow, however, the Headless Ape will summon a second brown-furred Ape, which does not have a sword, in order to assist it in battle. Though killing the brown-furred Ape helps with the overall difficulty of the battle (performing a Deathblow on the brown-furred Ape will allow you to resurrect a second time, provided you have already resurrected once and have a second resurrection charge available) you only need to kill the Headless Ape to win.

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0:00 Fight
2:35 Outro

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