3 months ago

There is a misconception amongst some brethren in the Church regarding the concept of praying in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.

The former is a reference to praying with the guidance of the Holy Spirit; it is done under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Here, you pray according to the will and the Word of God. This is an umbrella concept.

The latter is one of the subcategories of the former. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Here, you speak outside of the natural understanding where the Holy Spirit prays for you. This is an expression that when used— you are talking only to God; no one understands. It supplements your own ability to pray.
This is not a charismatic or pentecostal practice; it is a gift for all who follow Jesus.

In this episode of: A MOMENT WITH JESUS, we delve deep into the importance of why you need to pray in tongues as a believer in Christ Jesus as well as the benefits.

Truth is brought to light; revelation is received.

Watch and be blessed— being transformed in your inner man and with the renewing of your mind.


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