He's A Wonderful Saviour To Me (FWBC)

3 months ago

He's A Wonderful Saviour To Me Lyrics:

I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
I was bound by fear, but Jesus set me free,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

For He's a wonderful Saviour to me,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

He's a Friend so true, so patient and so kind,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
Ev'rything I need in Him I always find,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

For He's a wonderful Saviour to me,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

He is always near to comfort and to cheer,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
He forgives my sins, He dries my ev'ry tear,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

For He's a wonderful Saviour to me,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

Dearer grows the love of Jesus ev’ry day,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
Sweeter is His grace while pressing on my way,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

For He's a wonderful Saviour to me,
He's a wonderful Saviour to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Saviour to me.

➤ Lyrics & Music: Virgil P. Brock & Blanche Kerr Brock
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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