Feminism A Jewish War On Women

4 months ago

Through Feminism, the Jew attacks the core, primal identity of the female, weakening society by disallowing women to be who and what they are: caregivers.

Feminism is a direct attack on femininity and the female identity. The very core nature of the female has been obscured and vilified by the Jews who conceived and led this movement, and this has been one of the largest factors contributing to the fallout of Western civilization. In order to restore natural law to society, the female will have to be strengthened, and the only way to do this is to reestablish the feminine identity by dissolving the Jewish doctrine of feminism.

The premise of feminism is that females had been oppressed by males throughout history. This should've struck all people as patently absurd, but through clever, emotion-based propaganda, the Jews were able to garnish wide support for this insane assertion. This Marxist doctrine cannot be viewed as anything other than a war on the Natural Order.

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