You Are Not Obligated to Support Donald Trump (May 2016)

2 months ago

I created this video in May 2016. Many of the names have changed since then, but I still agree with every word of it.

And now, if you feel pressured for whatever reason to reluctantly vote for Trump – please reconsider. Know that you have other options – many of them – including writing in a candidate of your choice. That way you get to express *your* principles and not just become a drop in a big red ocean.

It so happens that, if you are interested in science, technology, artificial intelligence, and improving the human condition, we in the U.S. Transhumanist Party have some great candidates for you. You can write in Tom Ross for President and Daniel Twedt for Vice-President in 44 States and the District of Columbia.

Read our post on where and how you can do this:

E-mail us to let us know that you voted for Tom Ross. Send your e-mail to

#USTranshumanistParty #TomRoss2024 #RossTwedt2024 #WriteInTomRoss #WriteInRossTwedt #USPresidentialElection #2024USPresidentialElection #USTP #TranshumanistParty #Transhumanism #DefragmentAmerica #NotTrump #NeverTrump #VoteYourConscience

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