Putin The Jesuit

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Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner

Putin The Jesuit

The western elite is toting Russia and Putin as the world’s biggest problem. Russia has supposedly stood up to the west and has made himself clear that he will not tolerate a Ukraine NATO ally. This sparked tensions as the west continues to march in proxy soliders toward the border and seemingly pissing off Putin to spark World War III.

But this is an act. The Bolshevik revolution was a turning point in jewish banking history. The Bolshevik Revolution, also known as the October Revolution, was a Marxist coup d'état in Russia in 1917 that established the world's first communist state. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, were a far-left faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party which split with the Mensheviks at the Second Party. A newspaper clipping says the Jewish Bolshevik Boasts “Conquer Whole World”.

The protocols of the learned elders of zion stated their last enemy was Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution were Jewish, 6 out of 8 Soviet leaders from Lenin to Gorbachev were Jewish AND all three Presidents since the (fake) fall of the Soviet Union are Jews. We know that Moses Hess, Eduardo Bernstein and Ferdinand Lassalle were the jewish bankers that funded the revolution which took out the house of Romanov and the last Tsar of Russia.

The Soviet Union was formed which became a tool for the jewish bankers to play country against country and turn a profit. Germany was the last nation on Earth to stand against the new world order bankers in World War 1 which they lost. After this defeat, Germany was used like Russia to start world war 2, which helped the bankers take down the Ottoman empire. This gave them the land of Israel.

In 1978, the Vatican sent Jesuit emissaries into China. The business deal was finally put into place and today has changed the world as Socialist China had become an impoverished, backward country with a massive military and police force.

The Jesuits offered to use their power over western nations through front organisations like the Masonic Lodge, banking industry, Catholic politicians and the various socialist assets such as environmental groups which they owned in Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to transfer western industries to China.

These undercover organisations, some holding tax-free status in Commonwealth nations, pushed the free trade agenda upon the west to allow slave labour manufacturing of Chinese goods.

In exchange the Chinese communists were to agree to share the profits from this trade deal with the same old Jesuit families in Europe.
This deal has been kept secret for decades. Free trade was forced upon the western nations by the fifth column members of their political parties.

After China, the Jesuits wanted the middle east. The bankers needed a win for democracy after Vietnam failed, so they faked the take down of the soviet union, which helped America’s spirits in going to war with Iraq after 9/11. At this point, the bankers had control of the entire world with Russia, China and America.

Putin was a KGB agent at first. Putin’s alleged nationality card shows that his mother is Jewish. It is highlighted with a red box. It reads “/Евр./” at the end of her name, which is an abbreviation for the Russian word for Jew: Еврей.

Russian President Vladimir Putin – half-Jewish by nationality on the mother’s side – such sensational data were published by a number of domestic and foreign media outlets. In support of this fact, the publication cites a document – an application for the issuance of a new passport of the citizen of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, dated December 30, 2000, which indicates the nationality of the parents. According to official data, the father of the current president, Putin, Vladimir Spiridonovich, is Russian by nationality, and the mother of the head of state, Maria Ivanovna Shelomov, is listed as Jewish (Евр.).

Of course, these personal facts from the biography of the country’s first person will remain secret, given that President Shelomov’s mother Maria Ivanovna died in 1998, and Putin’s father Vladimir Spiridonovich died in 1999. Nevertheless, as you know, the historical origin of the surname Shelomov comes from the Jewish male name Shlomo (in Russian Salomon). The end of the surname in -ov means belonging – that is, Shelomov is translated as the son of Solomon. And as we all know, Solomon (Shlomo) was the most revered Jewish king, who was considered the wisest of all people and who rebuilt the Second Temple. Another small detail – according to Jewish laws, a Jew is considered one who is born of a mother – Jewish by nationality and nothing else.
Let’s see the “personal card” of Mordkho Abelevich, who was registered at the Vitebsk Investigation Department. Such “personal files” were brought up to members of the “Bund” who participated in the 9th conference of the General Jewish Workers’ Union in 1912.

There are still no official documents confirming the relationship of Vladimir Vladimirovich with Blinchikov, but the face itself is present. The notorious Jewish factor. As one of our journalists said, if you look closely, you can see “Jewish ears” behind all the global events taking place in the world.

The magazine “Profile” puts forward the following version of the origin of the Putin family. According to pre-war photographs that accidentally ended up in the magazine, Putin’s family tree was restored to Putin’s grandmother and grandfather. According to this information, Putin’s grandmother married a second time to Vladimir Dmitrievich Pechersky in 1960. According to the recollections of his second wife Anna Pecherskaya, Putin’s grandmother was an accountant either at school or in the village council, and her future husband Pechersky was the son of a parish priest in Chufalovo, Yaroslavl region. Pecherskaya does not give her real name, but, like her husband, calls her Lyalya. “Lyalya was pretty, a real angel” with noble urban manners and was noticeably different from the village girls.

Putin’s great-grandfather served as a traveling salesman and sold Singer sewing machines. Putin’s great-grandmother was a certified midwife who graduated from medical school and had the right to private practice, but her daughter Lyalya did not have a higher education. Lyalya studied financial courses and graduated from school immediately after the revolution. The first husband of Putin’s grandmother left her with a child, disappointed in love. “Profile”, although it does not draw historical parallels, writes that the real name of Lyalya was Rasputin, and after the change of dignity, the secular name was changed.

Later, “so that the ministers of the monastery did not have bad associations, her husband entered the monastery book as Putin.” From Chufalov, Yaroslavl region, where Putin’s grandmother married her second husband, she moved with him to Kokand, then to Fergana, then to Rostov the Great. But, tired of eternal travel, she left Pechersky and married the Jew Epstein (he took his wife’s surname), who adopted Vova Putin, Putin’s father. Thus, Vladimir Putin is a Jew by his grandfather. Yes, and not even native. Although Epstein.

The electronic newspaper Petersburg News wrote that,
“Putin has already said that Jews have long aroused sympathy in him, and he recalls with joy how he grew up in a communal apartment in Baskov Lane among Jewish neighbors, the sweetest and most pleasant people.”

It is quite possible that these were not neighbors, but relatives. Jewishness was not a fact that they liked to advertise. Naturally, Little Johnny Putin tried to forget about his Jewish roots.

Putin’s presence at the opening of the Center for Jewish Culture and his congratulations on Rosh Hashanah added fuel to the fire of supporters of the “Jewish version” of the president’s origin. Putin himself has kept a guerrilla silence, not commenting on these assumptions. A number of journalists have long noted President Putin’s markedly respectful relationship with representatives of the Jewish community, the official events of which in Moscow the head of state visits repeatedly. Moreover, as you know, Vladimir Putin has always tried to build trusting relationships with the political leaders of Israel and in almost every public speech to call the Jews of Israel a fraternal people. In particular, in fact, with the coming to power of Putin in 1999, Russia’s policy towards Israel has sharply changed from a negative side to a positive one. Although many decades before that, Israel was several times on the verge of clashes with the USSR, which all these years actively supported the Arab countries and regimes surrounding Israel politically and with the supply of weapons.

Play Video Putin

While Schwab has recently condemned “the aggression by Russia against Ukraine, the attacks and atrocities,” it was only last year that the man who openly seeks the end of the United States’ global dominance invited Putin to deliver a special address articulating the contours of “global vulnerability and interconnectivity” at the WEF’s annual meeting in digital-Davos.

In his Jan. 27, 2021 speech (transcript) to the conference, Putin warned of the forthcoming “grim dystopia” that might result from the “growth of populism” in combination with the weakening of “international institutions” and the “global security system.”

“We need to coordinate the efforts of the entire world, as the UN Secretary-General suggests and as we urged recently at the G20 summit,” Putin told the Davoisie.

As recently as October 2017, Schwab was bragging about Putin’s membership in his Young Leadership Program since the early ’90s.

“I have to say when I mention names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum,” Schwab told David Gergen, director of the Center for Public Leadership, during an appearance at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Yet we were fooled when Putin Declares “Total Independence” From Rothschild NWO Banking Cabal Which Began In 2006. This is when Russia paid off the International Monetary Fund loan it received back in the 90’s. In fact President Putin banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances,” and now, just over one year later, Putin has declared “total independence” from the global banking cartel and Rothschild international money lending organizations.

Red Bracelet

The biblical connection is found in Genesis 38. Tamar’s midwife put a scarlet thread on her first twin son by Judah, Zarah when he stuck his hand out first. Some Christians believe it’s a parallel to the blood of Christ and a symbol of redemption.

In Kabbalism, the red bracelet is believed to ward off misfortune and the “evil eye” attracting good luck in its place.

The traditional Kabbalah string is made from scarlet wool. It is worn on the left wrist and knotted seven times while the knotting prayer is recited. The left side of the spiritual body is believed to be the one that receives energy. Putin wears this bracelet often as depicted in my slide show.

Putin was put into power by the Federation of Jewish Organizations In Russia. The Jewish Chairman of this organization Abramovich stated in a 2005 interview that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted as an ethnic Jew. And that his mother was a Jew Shelomova. This makes Putin full Jewish by Jewish law.

Something damning in the first addition of Putin’s book: First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President. It states his mothers maiden name was Shalomovitch which is a Jewish surname. But this is changed to Shelomova in the second addition which is an attempt to cover this up.

Abramovich is chairman of the Federation of Jewish Organizations in Russia (who are allied with the Putin administration) and he also donates money to the Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Chabad-Lubavitch is an orthodox Jewish movement.

Appointed Putin and Medvedev [My note Medvdev is according to Jewish archives his surname is Mendel]

Abramovich was the first person who recommended Boris Yeltsin to choose Putin as his successor. When Putin formed his first cabinet of prime minister in 1999, the Jew Abramovich was the one who first held “personal interviews” with each of the candidates before they were approved. After that, Abramovich remained one of Putin’s closest allies.

In 2007 Putin asked this Jew, who would be elected as the new President – Dmitry Medvedev was then personally recommended by Abramovich. At the G-20 meeting in London in 2009 and the G-8 meeting in 2010, it was Medvedev who became renowned as he had with him a sample of the new supranational world currency “United Future World Currency”, which he campaigned strongly for according to Bloomberg.com.

Chris Hutchins , who has written the biographies Abramovich: The Billionaire from Nowhere and Putin A Biography, describes Putin’s relationship with Abramovich like one “between a father and his favorite son”.

Appears on Russia Today’s website

Under the heading “prominent Russians”, Roman Abramovich is highlighted in Russia Today’s encyclopedia “Russiapedia”. It says, among other things, that Abramovich had access to Jeltzins “innermost circle” through the Jewish oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

* The Jewish Rothschild’s who created the Soviet Union at the top. Still own Russia, who Abramovich is a front Jew of:

* Russian gov. owned Rosneft in business with Rockefeller[my note Rockefeller’s are Jewish they are of the Rothschild bloodlines] run Exxon and BP despite “sanctions.”

* The Putin Government and Chubais are joint owners of RUSNANO.

* In 2012, Rothschild Capital Partners bought a 37 percent stake in the Rockefeller’s wealth advisory and asset management group.

* Rothschild run Glencore and the Putin Government joined forces to create the world’s largest aluminum company, RUSAL.

* The Rothschild Global Financial Advisory is located in downtown Moscow and their website brags of “high level political access” to the Russian government.

* Deripaska is CEO of RUSAL.

* Abramovich is Putin’s close confidant, and a joint shareholder along with the Russian government in assets such as Gazprom, Aeroflot, and RUSAL.

* Putin selected close friend Oleg Deripaska to represent Russia in ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council). Deripaska is also a close friends and RUSAL business partners with Roman Abramovich.

* The Rothschild family are majority shareholders of Rio Tinto. RUSAL and Rio Tinto are involved in joint mining operations despite so called “sanctions” imposed by the West.

* The Rothschild family are majority shareholders of Rio Tinto. RUSAL and Rio Tinto are involved in joint mining operations despite so called “sanctions” imposed by the West.

* Nat Rothschild is a fellow RUSAL investor, and best friend of Roman Abramovich. Nat is also close friends, and RUSAL business partners with with Oleg Deripaska.

I read a great article that resonates with me. This End Times Deceptions Bible study discusses whether Russia and President Putin are fulfilling Bible prophecy, as Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38, as the king of the North of Daniel 11, or as one of the kings of the East of Revelation 16.

Russia is playing a huge role right now, so let’s look at the true fulfillment of those prophecies to know the truth.

Some teachers point to Daniel 11 and say that Putin is the King of the North, so let’s take a quick look at the fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel.

Daniel was given visions (recorded in chapters 2 and 7) of the four beast kingdoms, which would reign until Messiah returns: which are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.

Daniel 8 clearly is about the kingdoms of Medo-Persia and Greece, and the little horn, Antiochus of Greece.

The great horn was Alexander the Great, who with his army conquered the Medo-Persian Empire.

The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. Verses 20-21

The little horn was Antiochus Epiphanes, who was a lesser leader of the Grecian empire.

And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. Verse 11

Daniel 9 foretold that the Romans would desolate Jerusalem, the temple and the Jews.

and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolation. Verse 26

That vision caused Daniel to be distraught, so the angel returned to give him more information about the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.

Daniel 11 gives the historical narrative of events which would take place during the 70 weeks of Daniel 9.

This time frame spanned 490 years, so there are detailed accounts of its fulfillment by historians. Here’s a list of key figures who fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel 11:

God used Cyrus, leader of Medes-Persia, to set the Jews free from Babylonian captivity, and to empower them to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the temple.

Alexander the Great of Greece, the Great Horn of Daniel 8, rose up and ruled with great dominion.

The Seleucids (kings of Syria, “the north”) and the Ptolemies (kings of Egypt, “the south”) had incessant wars.

Antiochus Epiphanes, the Little Horn of Daniel 8, was a vile person who surrounded Jerusalem with his armies ( abomination of desolation) and killed 10’s of thousands of Jews. They defiled the sanctuary and caused the daily sacrifice to be taken away for 2,300 days (Daniel 8:14). His persecution of the Jews began in 171 B.C. and the temple was cleansed on December 25, 165 B.C., which is 2,300 days.

The Maccabean uprisings delivered the Jews in the reign of Antiochus, and faithfully served their people as rulers and priests for 130 years.
King Herod exalted himself above all gods (leaders). To protect his kingdom, he decreed for the slaughter of the babes of Bethlehem, in an attempt to kill baby Jesus.

Caesar Augustus conquered many countries such as Egypt, and took power of their treasures.

Many prophecy teachers incorrectly apply Daniel 11 verses to an end-times Antichrist, but the context clearly shows that they are not, and that history has confirmed their fulfillment.

And many prophecy teachers incorrectly apply Daniel 11:13, the king of the north, to Putin of Russia; so let’s look to some esteemed theologians for their perspective:

From the Geneva Bible study notes by the Protestant Reformers on Daniel 11:13

For the king of the north (b) shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches.

b. After the death of Ptolemais Philopater, who left Ptolemais Epiphanes as his heir.

For the king of the north shall return, As Antiochus king of Syria did, upon the death of Ptolemy Philopator, who was succeeded by his son Ptolemy Epiphanes, a minor of five years of age: Antiochus took the advantage of this minority, and entered into a league with Philip king of Macedon, to divide the kingdom of Egypt between them; and marched an army into Coelesyria and Palestine, and made himself master of those countries:

Antiochus the Great shall raise great forces, even from Babylon and Media; Philopater being dead, and Ptolemy Epiphanes his son yet a child, under whom Agathocles, a dissolute, proud person, hated of all, governed Egypt as his viceroy.

The king of the north shall return – after certain years – In about fourteen years Antiochus did return, Philopater being dead, and his son Ptolemy Epiphanes being then a minor. He brought a much larger army and more riches; these he had collected in a late eastern expedition.
Revelation 16 describes the Kings of the East, the Muslim countries which were created after the Ottoman Empire dried up.

Some prophecy teachers are saying that Russia and China are the kings of the East of the 6th bowl, but they have no explanation of a past fulfillment of the 1st-5th bowls being poured out.

The sixth trumpet of Revelation 9 represents the Turks, who became the great Ottoman Empire, being released from the Euphrates River to go attack the Eastern Roman Empire. The Ottoman Empire conquered a vast amount of territory.

Hence the drying-up of the Euphrates during the sixth bowl, has long been interpreted to mean a wasting away, or notable diminution of Turkish power; involving the decline of its population, and the loss of its territories.

The Turks lost control of the Middle East, which paved the way for the formation of the ‘kings of the east’.

In 1932, Saudi Arabia, officially known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was founded.

The Kingdom of Iraq was founded on 23 August 1921 under British administration following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the Mesopotamian campaign of WWI.

The Proclamation of Arab Kingdom of Syria took place on March 1920.
After the post–World War I division of West Asia by Britain and France, the Emirate of Transjordan was officially recognized by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. In 1946, Jordan became an independent sovereign state officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan. After capturing the West Bank during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Abdullah I took the title King of Jordan. The name of the state was changed to The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 1 December 1948

The Anglo-Ottoman Convention of 1913 (29 July 1913) was an agreement between the Ottoman Porte and the British Government defining the limits of Ottoman jurisdiction in the area of the Persian Gulf with respect to Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain (officially the Kingdom of Bahrain), and the Shatt al-‘Arab.

The Ottoman Empire lost control of Palestine to General Allenby of Great Britain in 1917.

Gog and Magog do not appear in Revelation until after the millennium, not before; so it’s not pointing to Putin or Russia.

Many teachers today cite Ezekiel 38-39 and say that Magog represents Russia, and the Gog is their leader, Vladimir Putin.

But the Gog of Ezekiel was a historical man who the Greeks called Gyges of Lydia. In Gyges of Lydia we have the leader of the Assyrians called “Gugu, King of Ludu,” and “Gugu of Magugu,” who is referred to in the Bible as Gog of Magog. “Magog” simply means “the land of Gog.”

In Akkadian ‘ma’ means land, so in Akkadian Ma- gugu means “the land of Gugu,” which becomes our Ma-gog. (Just as the Assyrian eponym for the land of the leader called Zamua is rendered as Ma-zamua). Magog is an eponym for the ancient nation of Lydia that was in the westernmost part of Asia Minor.

The Assyrians often referred to a new land by the name of the first leader they learned of from this land. The Assyrians dealt with Lydia through Meshech, who were subsequently defeated by Gomer, and thus the Assyrians finally came to deal with Lydia directly.

In Revelation, the mention of Gog and Magog is in chapter 20, after the millennium; when a leader, referred to as Gog, will gather the nations, Magog; against the saints and people of God, in the beloved city and camp.

“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.” Revelation 20:7-8

Conclusion about Russia and President Putin in Bible Prophecy:

Vladimir Putin is not the King of the North of Daniel 8, and Russia is not one of the Kings of the East of Revelation 16, or Magog of Ezekiel 38.

Russia is playing a role to be sure, but it is controlled by the Jesuits of Rome, the earth beast of Revelation 13.

The Jesuits control almost every nation, and is using Putin in Syria, along with America, Israel, France, Great Britain, etc.; to help overthrow President Assad who has not bowed down to the authority of the Jesuits, and does not have a Rothchild central bank for them to control the money supply.

Putin is a puppet of the Jesuits of Rome. They have him acting as if he opposes the Illuminati and big bankers; and that he opposes President Obama; but they all play for the same Jesuit team.

The Jesuits are using the Hegelian Dialectic to pit Russia and America against each other, all the while they control both countries, so that they can control the desired outcome.

Vladimir Putin promotes the Orthodox Christian Church, which teaches a false message of salvation by the sacraments, and which teaches that Mary is their Intercessor.

In my slideshow, Putin is kissing an image of the Virgin Mary in front of Jesuit Pope Francis.

All of the major powers are under the control of The Jesuits. They’ve had their New World Order since they took Russia out during the Bolshevik revolution. The past 100 years, they have slowly grabbed every country they can except apparently Syria as Bashar al-Assad has been the last domino to fall under the globalists.



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