Sulfur | Big Guns and Bigger Monsters

4 months ago

Hello Im Skill Incarnate and Welcome to My Games Review Series.
My reviews cover indie games that i have bought, had gifted to me and have been provided by developers for review.

In this episode im checking out a fantastic little underground Roguelike FPS with Sulfur. This game is the breakout title by small developer and publisher Perfect Random Sulfur takes place in a world heavily influenced by the works of HP Lovecraft, following the story of a Priest who has found himself trapped in an otherwordly dimension after his church is suddenly razed by an evil witch. When your faith fails you, youll need to trust in an arsenel of deadly weapons, along with harnessing the ancient power of the Elder Gods through potent spells which can tip the odds of battle in your favour. Along the way you will also work with a strange band of fellow survivors, all with their own unique skills that can aid you in your quest.

In order to ensure your freedom you will descend into a twisted world, navigating underground caverns, giant cities and ancient temples. As you explore you will uncover forbidden secrets, powerful weapons and eldritch knowledge. Youll battle against hungry goblins, mad survivors and horrific Lovecraftian monstrosities, as you attempt to win salvation for yourself and your congregation. Death is not the end for you, with each run taking you one step closer to freedom.

Sulfur is a Lovecraftian roguelike with a quirky sense of humour, unique art style and a huge range of weapons, items and upgrades to find. Players can experiment with a gigantic arsenal of weaponry which can be upgrades with both regular upgrades and enchanted with dark magic to provide otherwordly power. I highly recommend the game for both fans of Lovecraftian games as well as roguelike enthusiasts

Please note: All opinions in this video are my own. Game was provided by the developer for review purposes


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