Russophobia in the West - Europe and Ukraine is centuries old Traditions ||A must watch

3 months ago

By the beginning of the SMO, Russophobia had reached unprecedented proportions. Slave statehood, something wild, aggressive, impossible to cooperate with – this is our image that has already been cultivated in Western Europe. But if you thought that all this arose in the 21st century, this film is for you. Today we will look at how false attitudes have been promoted since the church schism a thousand years ago.

"To imitate other nations like monkeys. These people are lost to a primitive state and are unfit for civilization" ©

Clichéd propaganda has affected the Russian people, Russian leaders, and even tragedies such as the terrorist attack at the Beslan school. Russophobia is thriving in society, writing, and journalism.

"It is futile to think that all people are people. Russians are not people, they are creatures," Goebbels said. Meanwhile, we are the only country that stood against the onslaught of the Nazi army, when the whole of supposedly civilized Europe was captured in a little more than 100 days. The real reason for hatred of Russians is their growing influence and power, which cannot please their rivals. Before the Great Patriotic War, the German fascists developed anti-Russian propaganda to justify the coming invasion. But time passes, and the methods do not change.

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