A "mystery" ship that was seen near Valencia days before the unusual event.

8 hours ago

A "mystery" ship that was seen near Valencia days before the unusual event.

Just passed by there by chance ♂️ 🤷

He who knows knows (H.A.A.R.P)
Weather weapon 🙅☠️🤬 This time in Spain You can be next Anywhere in the world 🤮🤯🤬📣🙅

SBX platforms utilizing NEXRAD, Doppler and HAARP technologies These machines are basically HAARP antennas, they use intersecting radio waves to superheat the atmosphere and engineer the weather, also called ionospheric heaters. Always in the right place at the right time for a "natural" disaster.
Weather weapons are deployed all around the world to create damage to convince you it’s global warming.


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