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Invincible Church Sermon Notes
Jesus and His Church – Hebrews 13:20-21
There’s a lot of confusion and chaos among professing Christians about what the biblical church of Jesus is supposed to be. Even though Jesus has already told us how he expects his church to function and operate, there are a lot of pastors, preachers, leaders, and church members who just keep on implementing their own ideas for the "best way" to "do church."
For a lot of people, the church is a spectator event with big production music and theatrical lights. For others, it is a ceremonial, sacramental, ritualistic experience in a very formal "high church." For others still, it’s a kind of social club for "Christianettes," where they go to meet friends, have a nice time, and hear a quick "devotional sermonette" to make sure they "feel good" when they return to the world of spiritual battle unarmed. What all this means is that:
There are believers in Jesus, chosen by God through the power of the Holy Spirit to be a part of the church, placed into a church body that Jesus is building, all with a guaranteed hope of eternal life in heaven. Yet they aren’t paying much attention to what Jesus told us to do when we meet!
That should be more of a concern to us than it seems to be because professing Christians aren’t focusing on what Jesus told us is right, expected, and God-honoring for his church. They’re really only focusing on what they want to do and what makes them feel good.
Many times, we don’t even know for sure whether people are saved because when we observe their actions and hear some of their conversations, it’s hard to tell where their identity lies. This is why understanding the perfect plan of Jesus for his church is so critical.
True followers of Jesus are the church, and every believer is part of the church! The Bible describes the church as a body, so the church has an anatomy: a skeleton, internal organs, flesh, muscles, respiratory systems, hands, and feet. And Jesus is the head of the whole thing!
So, we need to be the true church, and we need to be in a church that understands Jesus’ instructions for the perfect plan, path, and steps for his church. This passage makes it clear that our responsibilities in Jesus’ church are to be doing his will according to his plan.
Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV-20 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, 21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
This passage and others like it in the New Testament help us understand the perfect plan of Jesus for His Church! It tells us why Jesus even came to earth for the Church and what the Church is supposed to be doing to "stand and fight" for Him because of what He did for us! Let's start with
4 Primary Things Jesus Does for His Church (we will see our part woven all through it)
1] HE is the Savior of His Church - Jesus is the Savior who “loves and builds” His Church! Now, to begin with, Jesus loves “God the Father” so much and He knows “God the Father” loves us so much that Jesus freely gave Himself in sacrificial death for us! It’s how we know for sure:
A] The Savior Loves His Church
Ephesians 5:2 NIV - 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
It’s a great thing to know you’re loved! So, in the process of giving our lives to follow Jesus. Putting the best of all that we have into His “work and ministry”. We still see people who won’t respond to the truth of His message and it seems like they’re slipping through the cracks.
A lot of churches aren’t being all that they’re supposed to be... we don’t need to be: anxious, frustrated, and worried. We need to be obedient and remember that Jesus loves the Church! He loves the Church so much that He will fight for the Church until God says our time has come!
B] The Savior Builds His Church
Matthew 16:18 ESV - 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Jesus saves the Church from eternal destruction, and He’s the one who is building it for eternity in Heaven! He is the one who brings us in! He is the one who adds to His Church! The Bible says He frames it together to grow as a holy temple to Himself!
We’re not in the “church building” business, He is! It’s not our job or anybody else’s to build the Church! We are wasting our time and dishonoring God if we contrive devices, means, and schemes of “human wisdom” trying to build a church! Jesus will build His Church, and the gates of Hell can’t stop it! We are going to spend the most time on #2.
2] HE is the Great Shepherd of His Church - Jesus is the Great Shepherd who “equips and intercedes” for His Church! In (vs 20), it says He is the “Great Shepherd” of the sheep!
Moses, Aaron, and Joshua were shepherds but not great shepherds! The sheep in these analogies are God’s people, true followers of Jesus. Three times in the New Testament, it calls Jesus the: Good Shepherd, Chief Shepherd, and the Great Shepherd!
The Bible also identifies nations of “ungodly people” as sheep without a shepherd! So, as a true follower of Jesus, we’re sheep with a Shepherd! Pastors, preachers, teachers, and leaders in the Church are kind of’ like the sheepdogs! We can’t really “fully shepherd” the sheep but, we are supposed to keep them pointed in the right direction! We are keeping on the right path to the Great Shepherd and if one gets “out of line,” we “steer them back in the right direction! Sometimes the sheep will forget where the Great Shepherd is but, a good “sheepdog” always knows where to find the Great Shepherd!
ILLUSTRATION: Arizona desert highway, flock of sheep with no shepherd, sheepdog keeping them pointed in the right direction! Sheepdogs have: senses, instincts, abilities that the sheep don’t have! So the sheepdog can always get the sheep “pointed in” the direction of the Great Shepherd!
It should give us incredible “comfort and confidence” to know that the Great Shepherd is shepherding His sheep but,we have to remember our responsibility in the process is: when we see somebody straying “off the path,” we steer them back in the direction of the Great Shepherd!
Some churches think that if a person gets “saved”... and doesn’t get in a “follow-up” program... they’ll lose their salvation or something, like the Holy Spirit needs help doing His job! It’s like they’re saying “Jesus isn’t enough: “We have got to get them in a program!” There is all this anxiety over trying to develop a better way of shepherding than to just keep pointing people in the direction of the Great Shepherd! It’s not always easy, especially when somebody gets off the path and a tragedy happens!
ILLUSTRATION: Bo-young, vibrant, smart, charismatic! He had an ATV accident, paralyzed! What do you say to: parents, grandparents, the young man? It’s where “human resources” end… but Jesus is the: Great Shepherd, Chief Shepherd, Good Shepherd!
The message God gave me for him was to pray and seek Jesus with all you have, like it all depends on God, because itdoes and work like it all depends on you, Dave Ramsey said it first but it applies! His mother told me the only way they’re getting through it is their faith!
As leaders, we are not supposed to do this because we feel “obligated and responsible” for the outcome of the Church. We are supposed to do it because we want to ’ be a part of what Jesus is doing “in and through” His Church!… That’s all!
He can build His Church “with or without” us! If the gates of Hell can’t stop Jesus from building His Church. We should know that we can’t stop Him! He just blesses us to be a small part of the process and He prepares us for it! We should love Him enough to be “all in”! So…
A] The Great Shepherd Equips His Church – 2 Timothy 3:16 NIV- 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
In (vs 21)… it says… the reason He brought us to saving perfection in Himself was in order to inspire us to do His will! He equips us through: the Word, His revelation, relationships, trials, experiences, and through the power of the Holy Spirit… so… it isn’t just up to us!
We’re doing our best because we want to be a part of what He’s doing and there’s not a greater privilege than that! The Bible says He gave some to be: apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and leaders for the “training and equipping” of the saints! It also says in..
Ephesians 5:29 NIV- 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—
And then in
1 Thessalonians 2:7 NIV 7 Instead, we were like young children[a] among you. Just as a nursing mother cares for her children,
He’s always at work in us, which ought to give us great confidence! When we’re frustrated because we’ve run out of words, resources, and ideas, He’s faithful to keep growing, maturing, and equipping us to do His great work!
B] The Great Shepherd Intercedes for His Church – Hebrews 2:18 NIV 18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
He knows exactly what we go through, and so He’s able to help us! Just like a shepherd would go out and fight off “the bear” and “the wolf,” Jesus fights off the adversary who constantly approaches God’s throne, accusing us of wrongdoing, trying to get us convicted.
In other words, when we sin, and the accusation of our sin is brought before the throne of God, Jesus stands up as our advocate and says, “Father, that sin is paid for.” Jesus says, “My blood paid for that sin,” and that’s why no sin can be charged against a true follower of Jesus. It also says in..
Hebrews 7:25 NIV 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
Jesus is the perfect high priest! The Bible says He was hungry, thirsty, and overcome with fatigue! He slept, was taught, He grew, He was loved, He was hated, He was astonished, He marveled, He was glad, He was sad, He was angry, He was indignant, and He was sarcastic.
He was grieved, He was troubled, and He was overcome by future events! He exercised faith, He read Scripture, He prayed all night, He poured out His heart over people's pain, and He wept when His heart ached! He’s been there—sympathetic, empathetic, and defending us!
He’s our “faithful and perfect” high priest who’s always interceding for us! He equips His church, who are in a devoted relationship to do His will, and His blood keeps on cleansing us from all sin! So, He’s the Savior of His church, and the great shepherd of His church. And #3 tells us:
3] HE is the sovereign leader of His church – Jesus is the sovereign leader who “rules and teaches” His church!
Notice the word “Lord” back in (vs 20). The word “Lord” is used 92 times in the New Testament, so it’s clear that when “Lord” is used in reference to the “Son of God,” it means “sovereign one” who has the ultimate authority, and He’s in complete control!
Ephesians 1:22-23 NIV 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
Jesus is I charge!! It basically says the same thing in…
Colossians 1:18-19 NIV 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,
He’s the head of the church! He’s the beginning! He’s the “supreme authority,” and He has ultimate control and command of all things! So, the principle of “lordship” means Jesus Christ is the “holy sovereign” one! The only way “lordship” can properly operate in the church is when Jesus is the ruler of His church—not man! It’s why...
A] The Sovereign Leader Rules His Church – Ephesians 5:23 NIV 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
As the Lord of His church, He rules His church! So, if anybody asks, “Who’s in charge of Invincible Church?” tell them, “Jesus Christ!” and it’s not being facetious! Jesus is the head of this church! The Greek word used here means the final “decision maker!”
As the head of His church, He’s the sovereign leader, so He makes the final decision and He has the responsibility of making the right decisions to lead His people! Even when the final decision isn’t very popular, like in cases of church discipline!
Matthew 18 gives us the process of discipline for dealing with sin in the church for somebody who refuses to “turn away” from a pattern of sin! It says where “two or three” are gathered, Jesus is there with them—whether it’s in a prayer meeting or the church discipline process!
The whole passage is about discipline! It starts with “two or three” witnesses who confirm the sin of somebody in need of discipline! So Jesus says, “Don’t hesitate to do it,” because it’s a “brother or sister” in Christ! and if we love them, we want to get them back in alignment with God’s will and God only has one will!
So, it’s up to all of us, who are the “sheepdogs” for the “Great Shepherd” Jesus Christ, to know what His will is! We have to discern what Jesus wants us to do in His church, and we “seek God first” until we come to an understanding of what’s on His mind!
So, we seek the mind of God through prayer and meditation until the Holy Spirit reveals His answer and will for the situation! Because the only thing we want to do is discern His will! We also go by His book because it “affirms and clarifies” things! We see that Jesus rules His church...
B] The Sovereign Leader Teaches His Church – John 14:20 NIV 20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.
He’s the Teacher! He teaches His church; it’s part of His ruling! He has authority to “carry out” in all matters and to reveal His truth in all things! So, when we go to God’s Word, we see if we’re in alignment, and we draw on the Holy Spirit! It’s in...
1 John 2:27 NIV 27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.
We’re anointed by God, so we don’t need “worldly” human teachers who exist outside the Kingdom of God because they don’t know the Word of God! We don’t need their kind of wisdom because we have an anointing from God through the power of the Holy Spirit!
I’m not here to give my opinion on anything, and if I ever do, feel free to call me on it! I’m not going to waste time on social issues without relating them to God’s Word! I’m just here to delve into the message that God gives me so we can know the “heart and mind” of Jesus for teaching His church! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
I don’t make the plan, decide the path, or guide the steps. I just bring the message that keeps us pointed in the right direction! My job is to focus on the Great Shepherd and speak the instructions that keep us “on track” with His plan, path, and steps! So pray hard that I don’t mess it up!
We’ve covered that Jesus is the Savior who “loves and builds” His church; He’s the Great Shepherd who “equips and intercedes” for His church; and He’s the Sovereign Leader who “rules and teaches” His church. And #4 is...
4] HE is The SANCTIFIER of HIS CHURCH - Jesus is the sanctifier who purifies and glorifies HIS church!!
He’s the One who “sets us apart” from our sin! He’s the One purifying us, and He’s also the One leading us to give Him glory forever and ever! He’s the: sanctifier, purifier, and glorifier! So we know that...
A] The Sanctifier Purifies His Church – 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 NIV-23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
He “purifies and sanctifies” us to bring Him glory because He’s “building” a church that is right in the eyes of God! So, we’re made to be righteous by the obedient work of Jesus!
B] The Sanctifier Glorifies His Church – 1 Corinthians 1:2 NIV-2 To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours:
We’re not doing something that Jesus can’t do! We’re not building the church because He needs us to build it! If a satellite fell from the sky today and crushed “Invincible Church” with everybody in it, Jesus Christ would move “right ahead” with His “perfect plan”!
If “me and all the current leaders” of the church “dropped dead” today, the church would move “right ahead” because Jesus doesn’t need us to build His church! And people will ask, “Then why are we working so hard?” I can say with 100% certainty it’s because:
There’s nothing more satisfying to our body, soul, and spirit than to be “faithfully serving” Jesus as His ambassadors, warriors, servants, and saints while He’s building His church for God’s eternal glory!
It really is an indescribable “honor and privilege” that He allows us to serve Him in His perfect plan! So, let’s keep “praying and discerning” what’s next!
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