CCP Strives to Enlist Society Widely in Espionage Activities

4 months ago

10/15/2024 Chinese espionage expert Matt Brazil: CCP does its best to enlist as much of society as possible to participate in espionage activities, whether they're counterespionage at home or intelligence gathering abroad. Xi Jinping is trying to return as far as possible to the Mao era in terms of intelligence and counterintelligence, when the state had totalitarian control over society.
#ccp #espionageactivities #XiJinping #MaoEra #takedownccp #Chinese≠CCP
10/15/2024 中共间谍问题专家包明德:中共正竭力动员社会的方方面面来参与间谍活动,无论是国内的反间谍活动还是国外的情报搜集。习近平正试图在情报和反间谍方面尽可能地回到毛泽东时代,即国家对社会实行极权控制。
#中共 #间谍活动 #习近平 #毛时代 #消灭中共 #中共不等于中国人

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