DWWE2k24 My GM Mode. WEEK 2 Going for 10 cups baby.

3 months ago

Digital World Wrestling. WWE2K24 GM Mode. Join the Digital Wizard on a complete play through of the GM mode.

In this mode your goal is to complete accomplishments in an effort to be the first GM of the 4 to complete the 10 requirements first. Now that is a simplified explanation.
You are responsible for drafting a roster of stars from a draft pool chosen at random from current DWW stars. If you like this can be modified to include any wrestlers in the game you like. I have chosen to keep it reel and only use stars chosen in the default setting.

After you have chosen your roster of stars you will need to book an entire card. I have once again gone with default settings and have chosen to simulate up to and no more than 2 matches. I have chosen this way because until your next season or maybe one more after that until you should have enough experience to keep a full roster of stars that are healthy most of the time. Then you will likely want to play all five matches.

Your Stars have stamina which depletes each fight and replenishes when they rest or cut a promo. When a stars stamina falls below 40 it is dangerous to put them in a match for they may become injured. This will make them un available for 1-5 weeks

If your stars become weak or low on stamina you can always draft some bumps into the roster. You can choose to develop these stars over your season increasing their ability and value in ring and trade.
its not just your rookies you are able to develop. A star has an xp rating that will go from 5 and go up. as you reach milestones you will be given the choice to upgrade your fighters.

You can also beef up your crew and even launch an offensive on an opposing GM. The store allows you to purchase cards that give special abilities to your guys, your federation or can be used to hinder your opponent.

Don't forget to upgrade your infrastructure though if you fail to upgrade you will not be able to grow your brand. So spend wisely.


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