The Liberty Podcast: November 4, 2024 - Election Special

3 months ago

The Liberty Podcast: November 4, 2024 - Election Special

Months of ideological battle and media distortion to prop up the Left. Days of "early" voting. And, now, suddenly, the final hours to the dawning of 5 November 2024 and the most anticipated, consequential election in American history.

Across the nation, tens of millions will visit polling places. Across North Carolina, millions remain unaccounted for after 17 days of in-person early voting including about 60,000 Republicans who voted by mail in 2020 (amid pandemic hysteria) who did not vote by mail or during the early window.

What to do next. Visit the North Carolina Board of Elections website. Use the Voter Search tool to navigate to your voter registration profile. Confirm your assigned precinct. Scroll down to view the Election Day polling location assigned to your precinct. And before you head to that location, contact a friend, a senior citizen, a fellow churchgoer and offer a free ride.

The wild card that determines whether Donald Trump and other Republican candidates prevail by narrow margins or by resounding numbers appears to be the Christian vote. Tens of millions of Christians openly acknowledge that they stay on the sidelines during election season. Many do not bother to register. But two prominent Evangelical pastors, Gary Hamrick in Virginia and Jack Hibbs in California, have admonished their flocks in sermons on both coasts to vote because it is an obligation.

Christians who fail to engage in the solemn privilege of voting leave open the possibility that evil will consume our land. Americans are blessed by freedom granted by God, and are, thus, obligated to protect it. Voting is prescribed by God's Word. This week's podcast features highlights from both pre-election sermons.

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