CANADIAN TYRANNY: EUTHANIZED FOR VAX INJURY! - Trudeau Exterminating People Injured By Covid Shot

3 months ago

CANADIAN TYRANNY: EUTHANIZED FOR VAX INJURY! - Trudeau Exterminating People Injured By Covid Shot

Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest tyrannical move by Justin Trudeau's Orwellian Canada as a man who was severely injured according to the official government report by the "Covid Vaccine" was euthanized through Canada's MAiD program.
Trudeau who claimed that injections were "safe and effective" and pushed severe mandates on people leading to the historic Trucker Protests in Ottawa later claimed that there were no mandates and that it was all voluntary. A slap in the face of all Canadians.
Of course, millions were pushed to the point of choosing a vaccine injury or death or losing their jobs. This was all negotiable but with the fear being knocked into people at the time, millions submitted.
Now, as scumbag Justin Trudeau happily gets a fake dud of a "flu shot" and an "updated covid shot" on camera for all Canadians to roll their eyes at, a man has actually been killed by the government due to his covid vaccine injury and he's not the only one!
WAM's Josh Sigurdson also explains a personal story of someone he knows who was injected despite being warned only to end up with life threatening Lymphoma leading to him being euthanized as well.
Now that these stories are starting to hit the news, it's almost Twilight Zone level insanity, yet where's the justice?
A 40 year old man in Canada was just put to sleep by the state due to being mandated a deadly injection, becoming mentally ill and critically injured and people just shrug it off as if it's nothing, yet Canadians were fast to attack, shame and attempt to ruin the lives of anyone who didn't wear a face muzzle while at the grocery store.
In ONE good piece of news, 6 San Francisco transit employees have been awarded 1 million dollars for being fired for refusing to take the deadly Covid injections.
While many are waking up, we're still dealing with the latest more sophisticated eugenics practices. The USDA is now approving the use of DNA vaccines in salmon among other animals being injected with mRNA and modRNA.
They hate us and want us dead. We must break free, live independently and prove to them that they do NOT control us.

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