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Africa is Splitting into. Really? Here's the Scoop.
The Great Rift Valley offers both insights and intrigue in the world of plate tectonics.

In the heart of East Africa, a seismic event is unfolding that could forever alter the continent's geographical landscape. The notion of Africa splitting has the attention scientists and geologists worldwide, as the Great Rift Valley stretches and tears at the Earth's crust.

This dramatic phenomenon is not the plot of a science fiction novel but a real and ongoing process that may lead to the birth of a new ocean, reshaping Africa's boundaries over millions of years.

Yes, the African continent is slowly shifting apart due to tectonic plate movement:

Tectonic plates

The Earth's lithosphere, made up of the crust and upper mantle, is broken into tectonic plates that move relative to each other.

East African Rift Valley

The East African Rift Valley is a zone where the African plate is being split into two unequal parts, the Somali and Nubian plates. The plates are moving apart at a rate of about 4 inches per year.

New ocean

The Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea will eventually flood into the Afar region in Ethiopia and the East African Rift Valley, creating a new ocean basin.

New continent

The rift could create a new continent, including present-day Somalia and parts of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania.

GPS instruments

GPS instruments allow scientists to measure how the ground moves over time, down to a few millimeters per year.

Dramatic events

Dramatic events, like the large crack that appeared in southwestern Kenya in 2018, can remind us of the planet's restless interior.

Why is Africa shifting?

Eventually, scientists expect the Afar Rift to connect the Red Sea to the north and the Arabian Sea to the south. When this happens, the Afar Rift will turn into a new ocean that will split Africa and release the Horn of Africa from its land mass, changing the future of a few landlocked countries.

The Great Rift Valley

The Great Rift Valley, which stretches from the Afar region down to Mozambique, offers breathtaking landscapes and is crucial for understanding the forces shaping our planet.

At the heart of this vast depression lies the East African Rift System (EARS), a zone where the African continent is slowly being torn apart. This site has attracted attention because a large crack recently made a sudden appearance in southwestern Kenya.

Understanding Plate Tectonics

Plate tectonics, the theory that explains the movement of the Earth's lithosphere, is central to understanding the division of the African continent.
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Mexico's poverty rate declines from 50% to 43.5% in four years as remittances almost double. MEXICO CITY The poverty rate in Mexico has declined from 49.9% of the population in 2018 to 43.5% in 2022, according to a study published Thursday by the country's poverty analysis agency.

James Wright

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EMAIL deeptruthdeepimpact@yahoo.com

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