Mafia: "born out of the holy land of the pyramids"

2 months ago

As yall know, the intel I give you here is unique and nowhere else to be found in the world - neither in books nor in films or documentaries. Therefore I always tell you, when the intel is not mine as about 5% of this video here - although I added a couple of things left and right. I do so, because I believe in the three H's: Honesty, Honour & Humbleness. Therefore I have to admit to you, that about 5% of this video and the information about the fathers of the US 60-ies hippie musicians who were all having very high ranks in the military and intelligence is not mine, although I've added a lot and made connections to the Templars of Pharaonic descent. A French Armenian once gave me an internet text of a book about this 60-ie music connection, which I read last year. So, I don't even know, who wrote that book, but he did an excellent job and too important not to tell you. And as it fitted into the narrative of this video, I took the liberty to add this good man's intel, for which I can't take credit, because I believe in Honour, Honesty and Humbleness - the three H's. And I despise all the scam artists and plagiarists, who steal from others without even mentioning them and take all the credit and even money for it - you probably know lots of examples on Youtube. This is the way I'll die having the three H's in my luggage. I know, the official word is not humbleness but humility, but as humility is phonetically to close related to be humiliated, I prefer to use my own set of words saying humbleness, as humility sounds like humiliate and humbleness doesn't; humility sounds somewhat effeminate, while humbleness doesn't. Humbleness sounds closer to the essence of what I'm trying to define and transmit - the system needs to be beaten anyway, hey SwiSSy!

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